Pohon BBS: recent posts Anonymous https://bbs.gikopoi.com/recent 2024-09-06T18:37:28+00:00 New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1704728318/#1:23:24 2024-09-06T18:37:28+00:00 2024-09-06T18:37:28+00:00 My friends (2/3) preferred the apple cider to ginger ale, but they all<br>enjoyed everything. They were really impressed by the homemade whisky --<br>per my advice, they mixed it with Sprite (I brought several bottles of <br>Sprite) and they had several servings of it. <br><br>Had fun bringing the party in a dry county for $10-ish. New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1704728318/#1:23 2024-09-05T13:37:42+00:00 2024-09-05T13:37:42+00:00 6 bottles of corn whisky, 3 liters of apple cider, and 1.5 liters of<br>ginger ale ready for consumption. Bringing it to a party tomorrow night! New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1705384771/#1:25 2024-09-03T18:29:13+00:00 2024-09-03T18:29:13+00:00 arch: i used to go to gaia online<br>arch: i trolled it hard and made hundreds of accounts and then they sent the police to my house and dad's work after i posted goatse<br>arch: gaiaonline told them that i was a minor and that goatse was a photo of myself , thus [ REDACTED BY EDITOR ]<br>arch: the police officer brought a picture of goatse to my house with a black box over the genital and anus<br>arch: but he showed my dad the proper uncensored one<br>arch: they didn't have IP banning<br>arch: sometimes i would make 4 or 5 accounts a day New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1725299438/#1:2 2024-09-02T21:30:06+00:00 2024-09-02T21:30:06+00:00 make sure to check tripcodes at the door ^_^<br>what time of year would be good? some kind of worldwide holiday season<br>might be good (?spring break?) but i don't know enough about travel. New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1725182612/#1:2:3:4 2024-09-02T21:22:50+00:00 2024-09-02T21:22:50+00:00 last line in tree got wrapped for some reason, tclreadline isn't actually<br>needed (leftover from old interactive thing) and i forgot to remove it New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1725182612/#1:2:3 2024-09-02T21:20:58+00:00 2024-09-02T21:20:58+00:00 package require Tclx<br>package require tclreadline<br><br>proc rm { target } {<br> if {[ file exists $target ]} {<br> file delete -- $target<br> return<br> }<br> error "error removing \"$target\": no such file or directory"<br>}<br><br>proc rmr { path } {<br> xpt rm [ tree $path ]<br>}<br><br>proc mv { src dst } {<br> file rename -force -- $src $dst<br>}<br><br>proc cp { src dst } {<br> file copy -force -- $src $dst<br>}<br><br>proc mkdir { path } {<br> file mkdir $path<br>}<br><br>proc ls {{ path . }} {<br> if { ! [ catch { file link $path }]} {<br> error "open of directory \"${path}\" failed: not a directory"<br> }<br> vert [ readdir $path ]<br>}<br><br>proc lsn {{ path . }} {<br> vert [ enumerate [ ls $path ]] 2<br>}<br><br>proc cdn { n } {<br> cd [ sel $n ]<br>}<br><br>proc scroll { txt } {<br> set fd [ open "| less" w ]<br> puts $fd $txt<br> close $fd<br>}<br><br>proc vert { l { w 1 }} {<br> set out ""<br> set i 1<br> foreach item $l {<br> append out [ list $item ]<br> if { $i % $w == 0 } {<br> set sep_c "\n"<br> } else {<br> set sep_c " "<br> }<br> incr i<br> append out $sep_c<br> }<br> string trimright $out<br>}<br><br>proc prefix { prefix l } {<br> for { set i 0 } { $i < [ llength $l ]} { incr i } {<br> lset l $i "$prefix[ lindex $l $i ]"<br> }<br> return $l<br>}<br><br>proc enumerate { l } {<br> set out [ dict create ]<br> for { set i 0 } { $i < [ llength $l ]} { incr i } {<br> dict set out $i [ lindex $l $i ]<br> }<br> return $out<br>}<br><br>proc sel { n { path . }} {<br> dict get [ lsn $path ] $n<br>}<br><br>proc xp { cmd args_list { tail "" }} {<br> set out [ list ]<br> foreach item $args_list {<br> if { $tail eq "" } {<br> set retval [ uplevel 1 [ list {*}$cmd $item ]]<br> } else {<br> set retval [ uplevel 1 [ list {*}$cmd $item {*}$tail ]]<br> }<br> if { $retval ne "" } {<br> lappend out $retval<br> }<br> }<br> return $out<br>}<br><br>proc xpt { cmd tree { tail "" } { depth 1 }} {<br> set name [ lindex $tree 0 ]<br> set branches [ lindex $tree 1 ]<br> <br> if {[ llength $branches ] == 0 } {<br> if { $tail eq "" } {<br> return [ uplevel $depth [ list {*}$cmd $name ]]<br> } else {<br> return [ uplevel $depth [ list {*}$cmd $name {*}$tail ]]<br> }<br> }<br> <br> lappend branches [ list $name [ list ]]<br> set out [ list ]<br> foreach branch $branches {<br> set retval [ xpt $cmd $branch $tail [ expr { $depth + 1 }]]<br> if { $retval ne "" } {<br> lappend out $retval<br> }<br> }<br> return $out<br>}<br><br>proc tree {{ path . } { max_depth -1 } { depth 0 }} {<br> set path [ string trimright $path "/" ]<br> if {[ catch { ls $path } subdirs ]<br> || ( $max_depth >= 0 && $depth > $max_depth )} {<br> set subdirs {}<br> }<br> incr depth<br> set ugly [ xp tree [ prefix "${path}/" $subdirs ] "$max_depth $depth" ]<br> list $path [ prefix "\n" [ vert [ prefix [ string repeat " " $depth ] $ugly ]]]<br>}<br> New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1721833275/#1:3 2024-09-02T17:54:31+00:00 2024-09-02T17:54:31+00:00 Nekomonogatari: Kuro<br><br>I've resolved to catch up to the currently-airing Monogatari Series <br>season. There are about 20 hours of watching ahead of me, but I feel I<br>can definitely get it done. <br><br>Idk if other people saw Monogatari Series but it's definitely got style. New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1725182612/#1:2 2024-09-02T17:51:56+00:00 2024-09-02T17:51:56+00:00 WHERE'S THE SOURCE CODE, LEBOWSKI? The Giko Gathering 2025 https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1725299438/#1 2024-09-02T17:50:38+00:00 2024-09-02T17:50:38+00:00 hotaru has proposed a Giko Gathering 2025 in Turkey. <br><br>Pros: <br> - Turkey is pretty cheap<br> - Accessible to most Euro bros<br> - Accessible to Indonesians<br> - Hotaru can probably score us weed computer programme fun https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1725182612/#1 2024-09-01T09:23:32+00:00 2024-09-01T09:23:32+00:00 the 'tree' command for my little tcl utilities collection now pretty<br>prints, but is still valid data. format is { path { subdirectories }}<br><br>example output:<br><br>mush {{<br> mush/people.tcl {}} {<br> mush/player.tcl {}} {<br> mush/input.tcl {}} {<br> mush/notions.tcl {}} {<br> mush/mush.tcl {}} {<br> mush/c {{<br> mush/c/raymath.h {}} {<br> mush/c/raylib.h {}} {<br> mush/c/raygui.h {}} {<br> mush/c/libraylib.a {}} {<br> mush/c/rl.c {}} {<br> mush/c/make.tcl {}} {<br> mush/c/rlgl.h {}} {<br> mush/c/rl.so {}}}} {<br> mush/graphics.tcl {}} {<br> mush/tool.tcl {}} {<br> mush/tools.txt {}} {<br> mush/proto.tcl {}} {<br> mush/event.tcl {}} {<br> mush/object.tcl {}}}<br> New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1705335928/#1:15:19 2024-08-30T10:22:12+00:00 2024-08-30T10:22:12+00:00 Added !seen <name> command. You need to include the tripcode (if there <br>is one) and pay attention to CaPiTaLiZaTiOn! It updates the seen time<br>(a) when someone logs in, <br>(b) when someone logs out, <br>(c) when the bot logs on. <br><br>Enjoy! New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1720824245/#1:9 2024-08-22T10:19:12+00:00 2024-08-22T10:19:12+00:00 sorry for sleeping on this, been lazy... New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1704245584/#1:43:45 2024-08-22T05:06:01+00:00 2024-08-22T05:06:01+00:00 Also you probably want the Gikopoi map thread instead of the Pohon BBS<br>features thread: https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1723532576/<br><br>see also #gikopoi tag:<br>https://bbs.gikopoi.com/tags/gikopoi/ New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1704245584/#1:43:44 2024-08-22T04:55:06+00:00 2024-08-22T04:55:06+00:00 you can either make the tile warp someone to someplace weird or just<br>copy the background to an object layer if you want to "hide" a giko New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1704245584/#1:43 2024-08-21T21:34:12+00:00 2024-08-21T21:34:12+00:00 the folks writing a map editor seemed to be having some trouble doing<br>tiles that gikos could hide in, how about a new tile type that hides a<br>character sprite? New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1720892336/#1:5 2024-08-19T08:51:39+00:00 2024-08-19T08:51:39+00:00 I've been making a lot of chicken jerky lately! <br><br>https://wiki.gikopoi.com/o/ChickenJerky.0<br><br>Cheap and almost tastes the same as beef jerky. New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1723532576/#1:2 2024-08-18T16:34:54+00:00 2024-08-18T16:34:54+00:00 Made a Library and Temple! Gikopoi map ideas https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1723532576/#1 2024-08-13T07:02:56+00:00 2024-08-13T07:02:56+00:00 Now that someone is working on a level editor for gikopoi... what are<br>some map ideas you have? <br><br>I made a brief list here: <br>https://wiki.gikopoi.com/w/GikoRoomIdeas New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1705384771/#1:24 2024-08-13T06:53:24+00:00 2024-08-13T06:53:24+00:00 Archduke: im nuts about soy<br>Archduke: edamame, miso, tempe, tofu<br>Archduke: im a soy boy<br>gyudon_addictâ—†hawaiiZtQ6: why be a soyboy when you can be a kikkoman New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1720892336/#1:4 2024-08-10T15:13:53+00:00 2024-08-10T15:13:53+00:00 left water in some coal ashes overnight to make potash for lye, i don't<br>have any wood ashes but coal ash should work anyway. going to try making<br>soap with olive oil. New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1721833275/#1:2 2024-07-27T23:49:29+00:00 2024-07-27T23:49:29+00:00 I watched FLAG earlier this year. The documentary/found footage aspect<br>worked better than I thought it would but I never really felt a<br>connection to any of the characters apart from maybe the other<br>journalist guy. I get what they were going for with the ending but I<br>didn't care enough to feel anything when it happened. Just "oh, that's<br>how it ends."<br><br>Currently I'm watching Silent Mobius, a show about a special task force<br>of policewomen in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo fighting a demon invasion<br>against a vaguely Judeo-Christian backdrop. A couple of episodes in and<br>it looks like it's going to be fun but nothing special. New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1704728318/#1:20:21:22 2024-07-25T01:57:48+00:00 2024-07-25T01:57:48+00:00 I managed to drink 3/4 of a bottle of my bourbon last night (mixed with<br>Sprite and Coca-Cola) while the most I've ever been able to drink of<br>commercial whisky in a night is 1/4 of a bottle. And that 1/4 a bottle<br>of whisky would always give me a terrible headache while I'm feeling<br>terrific today. <br><br>Whether that's a statement in favor of or against moonshining depends on<br>your point of view... only $2 down the drain on that bottle, at least. New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1704728318/#1:20:21 2024-07-24T15:07:49+00:00 2024-07-24T15:07:49+00:00 I did the second batch of UJSSM whisky yesterday (aka, a proper sour <br>mash bourbon) and ran it with the low wines from the first stripping <br>run. After taking decent cuts, I diluted and blended all the jars today<br>and mixed the better tasting stuff together. Ended up with 4x 700ml <br>bottles around 43% each. <br><br>It's nowhere near as smooth as it could be if I distilled it another<br>time or carbon filtered it or aged it on charred oak for a few years.<br>But for what it is, it's pretty good. I've been mixing it with Sprite <br>and sipping it on the rocks. The bourbon is sweet, corny, and... creamy,<br>almost buttery. It's a little hard to drink neat, but it adds some nice<br>flavor to mixed beverages. <br><br>My 3rd generation UJSSM is currently fermenting, 20L worth, along with<br>another 20L of sugar-wine (kilju) that will end up as vodka. There is<br>no more tomato paste for sale in my town so I tried adding some of the<br>bourbon backset with some boiled yeast to serve as a nutrient for the<br>new vodka. What's the last ANIME you watched? https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1721833275/#1 2024-07-24T15:01:15+00:00 2024-07-24T15:01:15+00:00 I'm finishing up FLAG (2006) tonight. Kind of a weird show. It shows<br>about war between the UN and some vaguely Tibetan religious <br>extremists, all shown from the perspective of recorded footage from<br>war journalists. There's mechas in it too but they're treated somewhat<br>realistically... It's not an "OMG MUST WATCH" kinda show but it's<br>interesting. New reply https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1705384771/#1:23 2024-07-20T11:05:22+00:00 2024-07-20T11:05:22+00:00 Moon: I officially dub dxm "memory water"