Pohon BBS: recent postsAnonymoushttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/recent2024-12-20T09:08:53+00:00hello, old friends ^___^https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1734685733/#12024-12-20T09:08:53+00:002024-12-20T09:08:53+00:00
doubt anyone remembers me around this corner<br>of the internet anymore, but im indeed still<br>around!! just lurking now <br><br>can't beleaf it's been almost 8 months (?)<br>since i last posted on one of these BBSes... i<br>guess im posting here specifically because of<br>its memorable-ness???? time flies man!!!!! i<br>recently got into baking, i made a really good<br>strawberry cake yesterday. im also an<br>alcoholic now #lifesgood<br><br>boards is still alive-iiiishhh, and it's about<br>to turn a year old!! ive moved on to newer<br>things, though. pikidiary is my new<br>microblogging site, heavily inspired by its<br>boardsian roots. much more normie-y, but still<br>fun.<br><br>anyways, i miss a lot of y'all!! email me if<br>you know who i am (*´︶`) cya around!!!!
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1704828644/#1:122024-12-19T19:40:52+00:002024-12-19T19:40:52+00:00
test tripcode
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1710965870/#1:92024-12-16T18:48:11+00:002024-12-16T18:48:11+00:00
Does The Sixth Sense count? me and waifu saw that recently and we had a<br>lot of fun. Kind of a horror movie, kind of a detective movie... make <br>sure to watch it without spoilers :)
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1704728318/#1:252024-12-05T17:45:29+00:002024-12-05T17:45:29+00:00
Recently produced ~12 liters of "low wines" from sugar washes.<br><br>Biggest game changer in my fermentation for distillation lately:<br>I add a tablespoon or two of diammonium phosphate and tiny pinch of <br>magnesium sulfate per ~20L of ferment I do. Seems to make a pretty<br>big difference: ferments go faster and cleaner. <br><br>Picked up about 200g of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) today and<br>converted it to washing soda (sodium carbonate) by throwing it in a<br>saucepan on the stove at a low heat and constantly stirring. Sure <br>enough, I could see the powder "boiling" -- despite wearing a face<br>mask, some funky smells came through. After about 20 minutes or so,<br>the texture of the powder appeared to change, and the powder seemed to<br>stop reacting. <br><br>Spilled a little in the process. Post-cook weight of sodium carbonate <br>was about 120g which is consistent with the theory. <br><br>Tomorrow I'll be throwing my 12 liters of "low wines" into the pot still<br>with 3-4 liters water and 4 tablespoons of washing soda. This should<br>result in a large volume of hearts, which will be turned into... gin!<br>this Saturday. <br><br>Stay tuned for updates.
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1731858662/#1:32024-12-01T14:55:44+00:002024-12-01T14:55:44+00:00
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1731858662/#1:22024-11-18T02:18:47+00:002024-11-18T02:18:47+00:00
Set up an XMPP server too. Contact me on Matrix or somewhere else for<br>an account, if interested.
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1705384771/#1:272024-11-18T00:43:02+00:002024-11-18T00:43:02+00:00
[2024-11-18 00:38:14] gyudon_addict◆hawaiiZtQ6: persist this cock, persist these balls
Matrix server launchedhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1731858662/#12024-11-17T15:51:02+00:002024-11-17T15:51:02+00:00
In the past I have hosted matrix-synapse servers on multiple <br>occasions; resource consumption was always the limiting factor that<br>led me to pull the plug on them. Maybe someday I'll launch an XMPP<br>server. Until then, please enjoy using our matrix-conduit server.<br>Say hi in #lounge:gikopoi.com or swing by the #relay:gikopoi.com room<br>to chat with our discord and irc friends.
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1705384771/#1:262024-11-15T13:38:36+00:002024-11-15T13:38:36+00:00
Archduke: what caste is your gf<br>
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1718022829/#1:102024-11-14T21:25:46+00:002024-11-14T21:25:46+00:00
zzazzachu: >ginsberg<br>zzazzachu: crooooooooognge<br>zzazzachu: slam poetry tier shite<br>zzazzachu: life is shit, capitalism. sucking cock. the material world.<br>zzazzachu: - "The World" zzazzzachu<br><br>zzazzachu: caravans, moving homes<br>zzazzachu: the hum of the diesel engine<br>zzazzachu: the sound of freedom<br>zzazzachu: I take a drag<br>zzazzachu: - "The FreeHum" zzazzachu<br><br>zzazzachu: in summary, ginsberg is shit and anyone can write that fake deep garbage<br>zzazzachu: he's a total fraud
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1710965870/#1:82024-11-05T20:02:55+00:002024-11-05T20:02:55+00:00
El Topo is a good one - a psychedelic Western released in 1970.<br><br>It's about a gunslinger in a nameless desert searching for enlightenment. The <br>movie deals heavily in Western and Eastern spiritual symbolism and philosophy. <br>A lot of bizarre occurences and characters - the movie at parts is very surreal <br>and almost comedic and in others is dramatic or very violent.<br><br>It's been watched by and has inspired a lot of creatives and in my opinion <br>should be watched at least once by anybody who says they enjoy cinema.
in nostr<br>- if Relay & Client go offline, where is content hosted?<br>- Relay stores content. Does it store entire archive of whole network? And able to read and see data stored & who posted what. Or be flooded.<br>- nostr seems like can't run decentralized sql, same poroblem of web3, ipfs (thats hosts only static content)<br>
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1719123784/#1:52024-10-30T22:57:26+00:002024-10-30T22:57:26+00:00
why ask, if correct font & formating yet to be implemented in Pohon by someone someday <br>& future request yet to be opened
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1719123784/#1:42024-10-30T22:53:31+00:002024-10-30T22:53:31+00:00
<br><br> / ヽ<br> / /i ヽ ___<br> / / .! 1 '、 _/ : : `:><br> / i. ! | |、 i Yi:ー==く<br> / | l, 1 | 、 、1 1 __,ノ ゝ=='7’<br> / i _l,L..、ヽ ヘ '''T'弋-. V| } ,>'''^´ ' 、<br> ' ,ィ i .ィ7´ハ. \ヽ } 丶 i、 i| /::´-‐:::.::::::.:::.:::ー-:..ヽ<br> /./ | | /}∥ マi、 `'ゝ り ヽ ト、 i} .∥:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.::ハ<br> / | 1 / リ i\ i ./リ _,,..、、,ユi_ヽi}. ∥__:::.:.::: :::.:::.:::.:::.: ::.:::.:::.}<br> '´ | l.../ _ムxr=ュミト ヾ`ーゝノ゙斤^::心 `》j! ∥  ̄`^,,, ‐- 、:::.:::.:::.:::j<br> { Yィi^ .わ^n;::h ´ {T::.゚:::ノ'} '/ ∥ `''ヾ7<br> 1 い い、::゚ィリ ヾニ=‐′/ ,ィ∥ .′<br> }. ヽ '、 `'ー‐'゚ , , , , //..,/) '<br> l'、 \ '、 , , , , '´ /i/./''フ ┌v'^!<br> | ゙、 .弋^ _,.._ .'/´,.ィ'´'"_フ ,, fヘ, l V {<br> } ヽ ト .> (. ) イ7/_r≠'^フ r、人 ヾ. V}<br> } i. ヘ, | i>.、,_ ,..イ... / / ,.ィ'''~ ヘ、`ミi, Y .}!<br> :! | 'ミ=k,_,{ィ亥 | ...i:`:ト- - '^.{.....i.. 7 / ,\ ヽ V〈<br> j! } <少'^トミミk.j ,:r‐'1 | ̄`V ,F'''':::ー:...、,__ ` \ }<br> ' '7 '″.| Y:_,...ノ≠ V'} ^''1∥ ∥:::.:::.::.:::.:::.:::.  ̄``:-.、,_ ./ .′<br> / /7 _,.x‐| 1 ヽ | i ∥:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.::::;;/ j<br> / / jィニh、| '、 ヽ ,....、 .r‐‐j7 {-ー-::.、,_:::::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::;:;/ j<br> / / /二ニニ{ トx. ヘ √く,_ `'7-=、:::.:::.``丶:、:_:.:::;:;{ jL.、 .<br>. .
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1726241774/#1:62024-10-30T22:46:09+00:002024-10-30T22:46:09+00:00
weird, cuz gikopoi works only with JS turned ON.<br>And normies in tor don't want it.<br>>(yet mentally ill)<br>don't automatically assume everyone else is diagnosed with same stuff as you.<br>in the era of mass survelliance (IDK HOW TO SPELL IT CORRECTLY ! SIC , me being retarted) , wars, oppression, geo locks ... many people flow towards tunnels / anonymity / privacy
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1716535805/#1:52024-10-30T22:38:09+00:002024-10-30T22:38:09+00:00
it allows to spread the honest truth - which is valuable<br>without being persecuted for it - which is very valuable<br><br>>Anonymity lowers the barrier to entry<br>it doesn't. it may require registration, and darknets+floss aren't easy nor popular.<br><br>The main purpose of imageboards is said in my first 2 lines, which was formed by og Strange World ayashii author. You don't know history, you vernacular grug. Look at eternal summer, eternal september and how BBS spawned out of usenet groups.<br><br>Chelsea Manning playing water polo in pool full of tears reading your shitpost. <br><br>>Anonymous communities have no means by which to gatekeep<br>they have, sometimes, iq captcha. Your post not passing it, do better, always strive for better.
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1726241774/#1:52024-10-29T19:23:37+00:002024-10-29T19:23:37+00:00
for those that don't already know, the tor ban has been reinstated after<br>spammers abused in the game. i can't shake the unfounded feeling this<br>has something to do with recent harassment of tor relay operators. the<br>attacker is port scanning honeypots with spoofed source addresses of the<br>relays to get abuse reports sent.<br><br>https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/network-health/analysis/-/issues/85<br><br>concerted effort to get tor banned everywhere? who's to say.
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1729791464/#1:2:32024-10-28T17:01:46+00:002024-10-28T17:01:46+00:00
n i n n & F I ( S<br>o t o o e a o<br>s s s w e d n r<br>t m t t h l o d r<br>r a r r a s n y<br> y t ' O <br>j i m l t h i<br>u p s a " i , f<br>s o y R k n <br>t s n e e e b m<br> s o s l e t e<br>p e t e a t d w <br>r s e y h b<br>e s m " e t d e<br>v s e r w o i<br>e a r l i e i n n<br>n m v i s t ' g<br>t e e k a t t <br>s r e j r e a<br> u l u e r u <br>s n e s s s b<br>p r s l t m a e i<br>a e s i o n t<br>m s , g r r a c <br> o h e e l e d<br>i l n t i o n o<br>s v o l n f g t w<br>s e r y c u u r n<br>u d a n e a e<br>e p p r d , l r<br> p 2 o n a i <br>& r p l a m z o<br> o . i t e I e n<br>a b s i n d <br>d l a h o t n n<br>d e n e n a e p o<br>s m d l e r s<br> s n o s d o t<br>t o r f p r<br>r o s e t p r .<br>u f t b e h 2 i <br>s r i c a p e <br>t i r h t t <br> p r t o j a <br>t f e h n i r <br>o s l m e r y <br> / a o a e a <br>t w y f i d . g <br>h e l ! <br>e b w w i t t <br> 3 h e n o h <br>e . o b g u <br>q 3 l b b <br>u " i e ) <br>a h p s . <br>t o o t r <br>i s i e <br>o t n c s <br>n s t o o <br>. " n l <br> 2 f v <br> c e e <br> l o r d <br> i r r . <br> e e <br> n s n S <br> t c c p <br> u e a <br> c t . m <br> o t <br> n l i <br> t e s <br> e b <br> n u n <br> t t o <br> t t <br> m . <br> a t <br> y h <br> e <br> g <br> o # <br> 1 <br> o <br> f b <br> f i <br> l g <br> i g <br> n e <br> e s <br> . t <br> <br> i <br> s <br> s <br> u <br> e <br> <br> i <br> n <br> <br> t <br> h <br> e <br> <br> b <br> l <br> o <br> c <br> k <br> . <br> <br> T <br> h <br> e <br> <br> u <br> s <br> e <br> r <br> <br> i <br> n <br> v <br> o <br> l <br> v <br> e <br> m <br> e <br> n <br> t <br> <br> i <br> s <br> . <br> <br> B <br> B <br> S <br> <br> d <br> o <br> n <br> ' <br> t <br> <br> h <br> a <br> v <br> e <br> <br> e <br> n <br> o <br> u <br> g <br> h <br> <br> u <br> s <br> e <br> r <br> <br> c <br> o <br> n <br> t <br> r <br> i <br> b <br> u <br> t <br> e <br> d <br> <br> c <br> o <br> n <br> t <br> e <br> n <br> t <br> .
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1729791464/#1:22024-10-27T14:28:30+00:002024-10-27T14:28:30+00:00
Once you cut spam out of the equation, per month multichan maybe had<br>3 or 4 non-spam users posting, and I suspect at least half of them post<br>here. To the best of my knowledge, 0chan was the only multichan node up.<br><br>If you do with to host your own node, be informed the moderation tools<br>are subpar. I will be releasing the full set of posts and tags this week<br>on github if you want to restart the project. Multichan works fine on <br>Tor and Tor and clearnet instances can even talk together. <br><br>I was thinking about how to improve on multichan. Anonymity + federation<br>= spam, a hypothesis verified by NNTPchan, Multichan, and Fchannel all<br>alike. I was thinking: what about a *chan based around the use of PGP<br>keys? it would reduce spam and make it easier for users/instances to<br>filter out low quality content. Then I stumbled upon Nostr protocol... <br><br>I'm debating whether to make a proper multichan sequel with PGP support<br>and better moderation tools, building on multichan/pohon source, or <br>building a *chan-like frontend for Nostr network. While Nostr is less<br>anonymous than multichan, it is much more resilient and gives users a <br>ton of great tools.<br><br>Nostr is intended to be a microblogging-like service, but it isn't <br>necessarily one. There are wiki, blog, and market softwares built on<br>the protocol. (not to mention, end-to-end encrypted messaging) See<br>some Nostr-verse software here: <br><br>http://nostr.net/<br><br>Even though multichan had cool ideas, spam was a nightmare and for... 2 years?<br>there has been to my knowledge only one node operating, and it got very little<br>traffic. So I simply didn't see any point to make it keep living and put it <br>out of its misery. If you can convince me why it should be brought back, I'll<br>consider it, as a subdomain here or on //4x13.net <br><br>If there is to be a multichan2 at some point, aside from PGP, I would also <br>like it to maintain a living archive of all known textboards and make it easy<br>for people to scrape other sources to generate threads. This was part of my<br>plan for multichan from the start although I never got around to it.
Re: HDIhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1728591207/#1:22024-10-25T09:30:47+00:002024-10-25T09:30:47+00:00
The United Nations Development Programme has not given the DPRK an HDI <br>since the late 1990s. In 1995, the United Nations Development <br>Programme gave the DPRK a Human<br>Development Index score of 0.766.[1] A 2008 United Nations Economic and Social<br>Commission for Asia and the Pacific paper estimated the Human Development<br>index of the DPRK at 0.733, a decrease of 3.3%. [2] The other three<br>countries have recent HDI scores, but they may be inaccurate as all<br>three countries are engaged in some form of civil war. Somalia is ranked at<br>the bottom in the 2022 HDI, with a score of 0.380. 2022 is the first year<br>that Somalia was included in the HDI. [3] Syria is next with a score of<br>0.557 in the 2022 HDI, and has mostly been on the decline since the start<br>of the Syrian civil war in 2011. [4] Myanmar is ranked higher with an HDI<br>score of 0.608. [5]<br><br>Works Cited<br>[1] https://web.archive.org/web/20190309140606if_/http://hdr.undp.org/sites/def<br>ault/files/reports/259/hdr_1998_en_complete_nostats.pdf#page=33<br>[2] https://web.archive.org/web/20111005100501if_/http://www.unescap.org/pdd/pu<br>blications/workingpaper/wp_09_02.pdf#page=42<br>[3] https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/specific-country-data#/countries/SOM<br>[4] https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/specific-country-data#/countries/SYR<br>[5] https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/specific-country-data#/countries/MMR
multichan/0chan.vip downhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1729791464/#12024-10-24T17:37:44+00:002024-10-24T17:37:44+00:00
0chan.vip (multichan) is down. <br>unavailable.<br><br>the last bastion of truth & freedom. a truly decentralized federated multichan <br>bbs without js bloat.<br><br>bring it back. <br>pohon is not a replacement because it's not a decentralized multichan.
Somali/Syria vs DPRKhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1728591207/#12024-10-10T20:13:27+00:002024-10-10T20:13:27+00:00
Somali/Syria/Mnyanmar vs DPRK<br>which have better Human Development Index?<br>which have higher minimum wage adjusted to PPP/bigmac/hamburger?<br>which have more M.Sc. graduates, scientific publications, and doctors per capita?<br>Which have better public transport transit infrastructure?
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1725299438/#1:32024-10-10T19:46:38+00:002024-10-10T19:46:38+00:00
Jamal Khashoggi didn't killed himself. <br><br>good for banning wikipedia, fb, etc.
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1725182612/#1:52024-10-10T19:42:57+00:002024-10-10T19:42:57+00:00
I feel like it's actually a pain & GNU+Linus propaganda tricked me to wasting years of my life.
New replyhttps://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1709529769/#1:102024-10-10T19:39:29+00:002024-10-10T19:39:29+00:00
drinking mate rn