Breaking news, headlines, happenings Anonymous 2024-01-12T07:52:18+00:00 Breaking news, headlines, happenings 2024-01-06T14:10:40+00:00 2024-01-06T14:10:40+00:00 "What's going on?" - Come here and now you know! Trump Shares Messianic Video About God S 2024-01-07T06:44:59+00:00 2024-01-07T06:44:59+00:00<br><br>And on June 14th, 1946, God looked down on his planned Paradise, and <br>said, I need a caretaker. So God gave us Trump.<br><br>God said, I need somebody willing to get up before dawn. Fix this <br>country. Work all day. Fight the Marxists. Eat supper. Then go to the <br>Oval Office and stay past midnight. And a meeting of the heads of state. <br>So God made Trump. ISIS bombing leaves 100+ dead in Iran 2024-01-07T07:07:45+00:00 2024-01-07T07:07:45+00:00<br><br>ISIS has claimed responsibility for the bomb attack in Iran which left <br>103 dead at the memorial parade for infamous Iranian general Qasem <br>Soleimani.<br><br>The terror group identified two suicide bombers who carried out the <br>blasts amid high Middle East tensions over the Israel-Hamas war. <br><br>In a statement on Telegram, the group said two of its members “activated <br>their explosives vests” at a gathering near the grave in the southern <br>city of Kerman of slain Revolutionary Guards general Qasem Soleimani. Reply to thread 2024-01-07T19:15:27+00:00 2024-01-07T19:15:27+00:00 Wow, he seems to be really leaning <br>into the Divine Appointment thing. <br>I don't disagree entirely, <br>but isn't it weird to be saying it about yourself? <br>Surely it's the kind of thing <br>you should humbly deny <br>while other people insist on it? Reply to thread 2024-01-07T19:18:58+00:00 2024-01-07T19:18:58+00:00 RIP. Trump had effectively defeated ISIS, <br>now under Biden they're up to the same old Islamic tricks. Israeli strike kills top Hezbollah commander in Lebanon 2024-01-08T14:35:56+00:00 2024-01-08T14:35:56+00:00<br><br>An Israeli strike on south Lebanon on Monday killed a senior commander <br>in Hezbollah's elite Radwan force, three security sources told Reuters.<br><br>The security sources identified him as Wissam al-Tawil, the deputy head <br>of a unit within the Radwan force. They said he and another Hezbollah <br>fighter were killed when their car was hit in a strike on the Lebanese <br>village of Majdal Selm.<br><br>"This is a very painful strike," one of the security sources said. <br>Another said, "things will flare up now."<br><br>Israeli bombardment has killed more than 130 Hezbollah fighters in <br>southern Lebanon since cross-border shelling began in the aftermath of <br>Hamas's attack on Israeli territory on Oct. 7. Another 19 have been <br>killed in Syria.<br><br>Hezbollah's secretary-general Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned Israel in <br>two televised addresses last week not to launch a full-scale war on <br>Lebanon.<br><br>"Whoever thinks of war with us - in one word, he will regret it," <br>Nasrallah said. Putin resurrects SMERSH 2024-01-09T11:50:12+00:00 2024-01-09T11:50:12+00:00 VLADIMIR Putin has resurrected the feared counterintelligence<br>group Smersh, according to British intelligence.<br><br>Smersh, its name derived from an acronym for “death to spies”,<br>was formed by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin in 1941 to catch<br>spies and round up dissidents against the communist regime.<br><br>...<br><br>The MoD notes that it is not clear if the resurrected<br>Smersh is a newly formed unit or just a new name<br>for an existing unit which has been “re-badged”.<br><br>It said the group was another example of how Moscow is consciously<br>couching the Ukraine war in the “spirit of the Second World War”<br>as well as the Kremlin’s obsession with “infiltration of external<br>threats into the country”.<br><br>The counterintelligence unit was initially formed to combat Nazi<br>infiltration in the Red Army during World War II as well as squash<br>dissent and insurgency in territory occupied by the Soviet Union<br>in Germany and East Europe.<br><br>It became known for it savagery and brutality, executing<br>thousands of people who had been accused – rightly<br>or wrongly, of being traitors to the Russian cause.<br><br>Smersh operatives discovered Adolf Hitler’s remains<br>after he killed himself in his Berlin bunker in 1945<br>as the Red Army moved in towards the German capital.<br><br>Russian politicians and bloggers say an official Smersh-style<br>group is already active in Russian-occupied areas of eastern<br>Ukraine and could already have been expanded to Russia proper.<br><br>Putin has attempted to gain public support for the war by<br>portraying the fight being between Russia and NATO forces<br>that he says are trying to undermine and destroy Russia. U.S. Missiles Strike Targets in Yemen Linked to Houthi 2024-01-12T07:52:18+00:00 2024-01-12T07:52:18+00:00 PROXY WAR WITH IRAN<br><br>The United States and five of its allies on Thursday carried out<br>military strikes against more than a dozen targets in Yemen controlled<br>by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia, in an expansion of the war in the<br>Middle East that the Biden administration had sought to avoid for the<br>past three months.<br><br>The American-led air and naval strikes came in response to more than two<br>dozen Houthi drone and missile attacks against commercial shipping in<br>the Red Sea since November, and after warnings to the Houthis in the<br>past week from the Biden administration and several international allies<br>of serious consequences if the salvos did not stop.<br><br>...<br><br>Thursday’s attack drew the United States more deeply into a conflict<br>that ignited after Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7 and killed 1,200<br>people, according to Israeli officials. The Israeli response has so far<br>killed more than 23,000 people in Gaza, according to health authorities<br>there.<br><br>...<br><br>“The United Kingdom will always stand up for freedom of navigation and<br>the free flow of trade,” Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said in a statement.<br><br>...<br><br>The Houthis, whose military capabilities were honed by more than eight<br>years of fighting against a Saudi-led coalition, have greeted the<br>prospect of war with the United States with open delight. On Wednesday,<br>before the strike, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, the militia’s leader,<br>threatened to meet an American attack with a fierce response.<br><br>“We, the Yemeni people, are not among those who are afraid of America,”<br>he said in a televised speech. “We are comfortable with a direct<br>confrontation with the Americans.”<br><br>...<br><br>Houthi officials say that the sole goal of their attacks is to force<br>Israel to halt its military campaign and to allow the free flow of aid<br>into Gaza.