It's good to send emails to friends. Anonymous 2024-06-30T16:03:13+00:00 It's good to send emails to friends. 2024-01-12T19:32:44+00:00 2024-01-12T19:32:44+00:00 As life goes on, and we separate from people we cared about before,<br>it remains a great practice to send emails to old friends every now <br>and then.<br><br>It's not essential AT ALL to make a Facebook / Instagram / Tiktok <br>/ LinkedIn / whatever to stay in touch with old friends. If anything,<br>people are more likely to keep their old mail address as trendy <br>spyware apps come and go. <br><br>Equally, it's easier to keep a friend's mail address for long spans<br>of time than phone numbers -- and the kinds of communications we make<br>over email tend to be more meaningful than the kinds we may make on<br>text-adjacent platforms like Whatsapp or Signal, Telegram, etc. <br><br>Do you ever send mails to your old pals?<br>When was the last time you sent a personal email?<br><br>If you know any old friends' emails, maybe this thread can serve as<br>a timely reminder to fire them off a message. Or, maybe it can serve<br>as inspiration to exchange email addresses with your friends today. <br><br>I hope this thread can encourage you to write someone an email, <br>or save someone's email address if you don't have many. Email is a<br>great way to maintain friendships over time and distance -- even if<br>it's "not trendy" it's also not bad! You would be surprised about<br>how many people would be pleased to get an email that's not spam <br>from GoogBookBankShopApp and take the time to write a caring, <br>thoughtful response back to you. Reply to thread 2024-04-30T07:09:44+00:00 2024-04-30T07:09:44+00:00 I'd been neglecting my inbox for some time and when I logged on, I saw<br>that a dear old friend had sent me a chain of messages mixed in among<br>the inevitable newsletters and various other forms of spam <br><br>He asked me how I was doing and told me he was quitting drinking....<br>Then he sent some long emails about how gangstalkers from region X<br>followed him to region Y and were putting pressure on him.<br><br>Sent an email he regretted sending and then another apologizing for <br>the recent involvement, said he was looking forward to future messages<br>if I still considered him to be a friend. <br><br>It was fun writing up a !!! 5 page response !!! about life updates<br>and observations. <br><br>Email is timeless, much like textboards. Whether you answer a week or<br>month later, you will probably be responded to properly in due time. <br>Email is the patient man's game, like many of the best things in life Reply to thread 2024-06-26T13:41:54+00:00 2024-06-26T13:41:54+00:00 i never used email for anything other than confirmation links and i never<br>needed to send emails to my friends since we lived so close, if i ever<br>had to talk to them i'd just ride my bike to their house<br>that changed when i moved, but by that time we were already using messaging<br>apps on our phones, not ideal since i'm now doing everything i can to stay<br>away from those spyware in disguise while they don't care Reply to thread 2024-06-26T17:01:06+00:00 2024-06-26T17:01:06+00:00 You may be able to get friends to install Signal... <br>the install process is painless and it's not like they have to do <br>anything complicated to use it (you text them, they get a notification)<br><br>I managed to get my 60 something year old parents on it no problem. <br><br>Email isn't really spyware-free since most people end up using Google<br>or whatever, but at least you don't feel pressured to respond quickly. <br>What I hate most about FB messenger (and WhatsApp, Instagram, etc): <br> that it shows "last active" and has read receipts. Reply to thread 2024-06-30T16:03:13+00:00 2024-06-30T16:03:13+00:00 unfortunately almost all of my friends are the stubborn/complacent type when<br>it comes to phones and computers, I tried to get them on something else<br>in the past but with limited success (only one of them gave in)