Weird movies Anonymous 2024-07-14T16:41:59+00:00 Weird movies 2024-03-20T20:17:50+00:00 2024-03-20T20:17:50+00:00 Saw Donny Darko with the wife. It's an interesting movie: it <br>encourages us to doubt objectivity, reality, virtue, truth while<br>also encouraging the audience to sympathize with a psychotic vandal,<br>criminal, killer. <br><br>20+ years after the fact, I'll say Donny Darko is not so "DEEP" or<br>world changing, especially relative to all the multiverse / timeline<br>hopping stuff that became so trendy since its release, but it's still<br>a fine movie to watch and enjoy for its general conceit... Reply to thread 2024-03-21T15:40:58+00:00 2024-03-21T15:40:58+00:00 Moon (2009) is a good one. Guy goes up to the moon and finds something<br>that he's not supposed to. Reply to thread 2024-03-24T08:17:20+00:00 2024-03-24T08:17:20+00:00 I remember Noroi: The Curse being pretty good. Weird mockumentary/found footage<br>kind of thing about this girl who's cursed by an ancient god or something, and<br>there's this tinfoil hat schizo guy that helps them get out of it.<br>%%They all die at the end, though%% Reply to thread 2024-05-14T11:48:07+00:00 2024-05-14T11:48:07+00:00 Highly recommend Perfect Blue (1997) Reply to thread 2024-05-24T18:56:45+00:00 2024-05-24T18:56:45+00:00 Matango (1963) -- yacht gets caught in a storm and washes up on a <br>strange island. Then: mushrooms! Reply to thread 2024-07-11T22:51:35+00:00 2024-07-11T22:51:35+00:00 pi by darren aronofsky<br>very schizophrenic lots of computer hardware Reply to thread 2024-07-14T16:41:59+00:00 2024-07-14T16:41:59+00:00 this one's a classic. I'm so glad it was shot in black and white. Not a<br>hipster, but black and white can be so kino. Don't you think <br>Dr Strangelove (1964) would be so worse in color? <br><br>I saw the new Godzilla Minus One in color then later saw the B+W one.<br>that was somehow way better.