Melancholy Paradox Anonymous 2024-07-12T14:56:20+00:00 Melancholy Paradox 2024-05-13T11:15:30+00:00 2024-05-13T11:15:30+00:00 Recently I have been craving solitude.<br>It's strange since so much of my life has been driven by<br>companionship and socialisation.<br>I sort of have everything I've ever wanted, a dream job,<br>a life long companion, financial security<br>and future growth prospects.<br>Yet.<br>I feel the intrusive urge to throw it away.<br>It's as if I WANT to become a hikki.<br>Im well aware how privilidged I am to contemplate this, it disgusts me in a way.<br>So is this just a manifestation of selfdestructive tendencies?<br>Or am i trying to fly to close to the NEET sun?<br>Was Diogenes wise to become a hobo-maxing NEETma grindset enthusiast?<br>Niavely romanticising a dilapidated empty flat with nothing<br>but the echoing keys of a dumpster laptop and stolen WIFI. <br>In more important and relevant matters:<br>How often do you wash your sheets?<br>I want to wash them weekly, but have failed this routinne so far. <br>Till we meet again - blogfagchan Reply to thread 2024-07-12T14:56:20+00:00 2024-07-12T14:56:20+00:00 Solitude is good for the soul, man. It's like jamming a toothbrush way<br>deep into your works. Gives you a good clean scrubbin' even if it knocks <br>some gross stuff loose. But you can't get clean unless you bring out<br>the crap. <br><br>Why not go camping? Or hell, just go for a good long hike now and then.<br>There's a reason why there's a stereotype of a family man going out to<br>a lake to fish. You get that real alone time, that real peace, that <br>the urban NEET only gets to enjoy maybe 1, 2% of. <br><br>Diogenes had it mostly figured out. You gotta remember though, he was<br>playing the role of a teacher. The really important Cynics are the guys <br>you never hear about. That's why Diogenes gave up some of his precious<br>solitude. Don't give me any shit about how he was enlightened so being a<br>social guy was no issue for him either. You know he suffered for his <br>students and it was an act of great love. <br><br>If you're a shut-in NEET but still hanging out online, watching stuff, reading<br>stuff, well, you're halfway there. But you go out in the woods without any<br>kind of man-made entertainments, just raw-dogging nature, you're through the<br>door. <br><br>Re: bed sheets -- I just wash based on smell, texture, whatever. If they seem<br>off, they are off. Simple ways are best.