Gikopoi Booru is open for business Anonymous 2024-05-25T04:38:44+00:00 Gikopoi Booru is open for business 2024-05-23T03:07:23+00:00 2024-05-23T03:07:23+00:00<br><br>Enjoy Reply to thread 2024-05-24T11:36:46+00:00 2024-05-24T11:36:46+00:00 I'm considering hiding NSFW for public users; thoughts?<br><br>There's not really a good way to make NSFW images show a warning<br>picture in the catalog that reveals the offending image when you click<br>it and get redirected to its page on Shimmie2 <br><br>The booru is obscure enough as it is, that I don't think it should matter<br>either way -- it would be easy to add an 18+ warning on the front page.<br><br>But it also only takes 5 seconds to register an account (no email<br>required) and logged-out users are just missing out on 2 or 3 goatse<br>images. Reply to thread 2024-05-24T21:06:14+00:00 2024-05-24T21:06:14+00:00 is already an 18+ site, it says so on the main page. If you somehow<br>found the booru somewhere else, say you were actively looking for obscure boorus<br>what were you expecting anyway? To NOT see something weird? It's not like a lot<br>of boorus have an 18+ warning anyway: when you open up Danbooru what do you get?<br>An 18+ warning? No, you get titties and cocks. Reply to thread 2024-05-25T04:38:44+00:00 2024-05-25T04:38:44+00:00 Point taken!