■ 🕑 16.
│ Board features:
│ - Collapsible trees, like on /that site/.
│ You could probably do this with CSS or something.
│ - User defined tags and boards.
│ This was one of the cooler features of Multichan, IMO.
│ But Multichan is difficult to control, even if you run your own node.
│ What about the proliferation of random, scarcely related tags, you ask?
│ Solution:
│ Each post needs at least one of the default tags set by the admin.
│ Instead of boards, let there be two kinds of user defined tags:
│ - A normal tag
│ - A grouping/filter of existing tags
│ With this system, it's much more fine-grained.
│ If you want to carry on with the board idea, let them be collections
│ of tags a user can control.
│ Tags:
│ - #philosophy
│ - #prog
│ - #nsfw
├─■ 🕑 17.
│ │ > collapsible trees
│ │ Possibly, but may not be easy without invoking JS
│ │
│ │ If I were to program anything further re: trees, what I would rather add
│ │ is the ability to view a subtree easily, eg /tree/12345/5 to view the tree
│ │ of post reply #5 and all children within thread 12345.
│ │
│ │ > user defined tags and boards
│ │ Likely. I don't think it involves mandating each new thread uses an
│ │ existing tag. But one tricky thing here is that allowing for custom
│ │ #tags would involve mixing checkbox and text input designs. So a
│ │ possible solution for preventing too many threads from arising would be
│ │
│ │ (a) making tag policing a higher priority for mod teams;
│ │ (b) allowing one custom tag to be created at a time
│ │
│ │ At present, the solution I'm leaning towards is creating custom tags when
│ │ a certain amount of threads exist that would justify adding a new tag.
│ │ Example for philosophy, which would currently be listed under (perhaps)
│ │ #society and #general -- I see no real reason to create a special
│ │ #philosophy tag until enough philosophy threads exist to justify it.
│ │
│ │ Similarly, pruning existing tags that remain unused at a certain point will
│ │ be a priority of mine as a board admin. In the same way that making a
│ │ #philosophy tag when no philosophy threads exist seems a little silly to
│ │ me, keeping tags such as #paranormal or #food seems silly if they never
│ │ get any use.
│ │
│ └─■ 🕑 26. Subtree added
│ Added a subtree view mode. I didn't know where to add the UI to access
│ it, so I added a link to it on the /post/ page, eg
│ https://bbs.gikopoi.com/post/1704245584/16
│ links to
│ https://bbs.gikopoi.com/tree/1704245584/16
└─■ 🕑 22.
also btw there is already an NSFW tag,
for now make programming as tech