@ Pohon BBS
Features to add (45 replies)

■ 🕑 37. Better filtering tools
│  For the BBS:
│  1) The ability to hide threads and replies
│  2) An individual word filter
│  For gikopoi itself:
│  1) An individual word filter
│  Yes I know I can ignore people who spam certain words
│  but I want the tools to filter those words for myself
│  please and thank you
└─■ 🕑 42.
    If you use the Gikopoi userscript with Tampermonkey, you can automatically
    filter trouble words or trouble users! Lots of cool other features too.
    Grab it here:
    As for hiding threads/comments/posts containing badwords here, that requires
    Javascript which I'm allergic to. If you or anyone else with Javascript skillz
    wants to write a userscript that adds these features, I will happily link to it
    on the homepage of bbs.gikopoi.com .

Pohon BBS