■ 🕑 1. Gikopoi quotes
│ ... a continuation from https://0chan.vip/threads/local/1694397860/
│ Good quotes will be added to giko.py quotebot!
├─■ 🕑 2.
│ │ [2024-01-18 04:57:54] zzazzachu: I've been trying way too hard with my
│ │ racism, I'm just going to cut to the chase now
│ │ [2024-01-18 04:58:03] zzazzachu: isn't it crazy how indian "people"
│ │ literally eat shit?
│ │ [2024-01-18 04:58:15] zzazzachu: like they have restaurants called
│ │ poo-pahs were everything is made of feces
│ │ [2024-01-18 04:58:23] zzazzachu: who are we letting into our country??
│ │
├─■ 🕑 3.
│ │ [2024-01-18 05:26:11] zzazzachu: I am become arab
│ │ [2024-01-18 05:27:14] zzazzachu: you deceptive little gentleman
│ │ [2024-01-18 05:30:18] zzazzachu: vodak time
│ │
│ │
├─■ 🕑 4.
│ │ neko: i eat
│ │ neko: in my bed
│ │ caribear: the crackhead cleans up after himself better
│ │
├─■ 🕑 5.
│ │ [2024-01-18 05:07:50] neko: its scary to be outside of my room
│ │
├─■ 🕑 6.
│ │ [2024-01-18 12:19:28] Cum ◆hTMCUM69r2: i am now unemployed
│ │
├─■ 🕑 7.
│ │ [2024-01-29 13:00:50] nakedman: cock and ballz
│ │ [2024-01-29 13:00:50] nakedman: cock
│ │ [2024-01-29 13:01:08] nakedman: men twerking
│ │ [2024-01-29 13:01:32] nakedman: hi archduke
│ │
├─■ 🕑 8.
│ │ [2024-02-02 15:16:43] Conscript: Bring the /jp/ peoples b& hammer to the
│ │ skulls of Nazi scum, drive them from the motherpoi and back to pol. May all
│ │ Nazi sympathiser know they are an enemy of the people and I call for a holy
│ │ jihad once our lord arch blesses us with the glorious AK-b&Us. If all Nazi
│ │ collaborators are liquidated at once they cannot save eachother using capitalist
│ │ pigdog get out of gulag for money cards. Glory to the Motherpoi!
│ │
├─■ 🕑 9.
│ │ duh: im duh
│ │
├─■ 🕑 10.
│ │ [2024-03-02 21:58:42] Archy: (me, coping) who needs a sauna if you live in one
│ │ [2024-03-02 21:59:48] Butterscotch: who needs a sauna if you're constantly in heat
│ │
├─■ 🕑 11.
│ │ [2024-03-07 02:07:14] Archy: kaerou doesn't have an asian wife yet, he's on the path to wizardhood
│ │ [2024-03-07 02:08:19] kaerousan: I love the faux-cryptic attempt at seeming like some sort of insubstantial mist at the other end of a terminal...who are you? Who am I some figment of text some bash commands like CD LS and other hacking ways liKE NANO... Tech, steampunk.. all my FRIENDS online on AIM... You never know who could be on the other end of the internet pipeline.. you know nobody...
│ │
├─■ 🕑 12.
│ │ gyudon_addict◆hawaiiZtQ6: i thought when you said 'purge a meal' you
│ │ meant just wolf it down real quick
│ │
├─■ 🕑 13.
│ │ Phoneposting is the disease.
│ │ Discord is the symptom.
│ │ Sissy Hypno is the treatment.
│ │ Sucking Feminine Penis is the cure.
│ │
├─■ 🕑 14.
│ │ [2024-05-25 22:27:58] sicko: you think you'll just take it easy and enjoy a little drinkingcomputers on a saturday... before you know it, you're halfway through your second bottle of whisky, and you're an african-american on gikopoi
│ │
├─■ 🕑 15. 24 hours of xoog bender lines
│ │ xOOG: keybiard i s messed up¨
│ │ xOOG: got a few more bottles
│ │ xOOG: i hoyya go drink another drink nbrb
│ │ xOOG: 6 boyylrd
│ │ xOOG: os whiwky
│ │ xOOG: :D
│ │ xOOG: :(
│ │ xOOG: i rfrsnnk 6 noyylr og dhiekey
│ │ xOOG: we akk gibba die ;D D
│ │ xOOG: what pain hwen gburnin dry heat
│ │ xOOG: you a ot \\\\ ooit tea=?
│ │ xOOG: i drank 6 bott
│ │ xOOG: gonna go have another whiskey brb
│ │ xOOG: ha ad more whiskey
│ │ xOOG: ooooh is this wht i dorn trememr noting
│ │ xOOG: stroke
│ │ xOOG: or voivid
│ │ xOOG: so so durnk
│ │ xOOG: rothchilele d
│ │ xOOG: qu3s56i on it\s , wha6 did he mean gy this
│ │ archo: how many shots are you into today
│ │ xOOG: dunno
│ │ xOOG: 2 bottles?
│ │ xOOG: i got another bottle '
│ │
├─■ 🕑 16.
│ │ JVKG: I keep captive gorillas in my house, hooked up to IV drip and dialysis machine and feed them imported congolese foliage, so I can harvest their gorilla gut biome.
│ │ JVKG: Then I transplant it into my gut, such that I can now digest and synthesize proteins from basic leaves and get JACKED.
│ │
│ │
├─■ 🕑 17.
│ │ plab: Barbed wire made cowboys unemployed!
│ │ plab: Terrible!
│ │ xOOG-naptime: what
│ │ xOOG-naptime: whats terrible
│ │ plab: the barbed wire invention
│ │ plab: the invention of barbed wire
│ │
├─■ 🕑 18.
│ │ arcarcarcarc: >be ploob
│ │ arcarcarcarc: >think it's an intro to a mass shooting video
│ │ arcarcarcarc: >it's actually just a wholesome durnk driving stream
│ │
├─■ 🕑 19.
│ │ googoo: i would like ten pollen nuggets with nectar dipping sauce please...
│ │
├─■ 🕑 20. random quote lol
│ │ sinse: water tastes like fridge
│ │
├─■ 🕑 21.
│ │ あなたのIPは拒否されました。TorやVPNを使わないでください。Your IP was rejected. Please do not use Tor or VPNs. https://www.abuseipdb.com/check/
│ │
│ └─■ 🕑 22.
│ This is a terrible quote.
├─■ 🕑 23.
│ Moon: I officially dub dxm "memory water"
├─■ 🕑 24.
│ Archduke: im nuts about soy
│ Archduke: edamame, miso, tempe, tofu
│ Archduke: im a soy boy
│ gyudon_addict◆hawaiiZtQ6: why be a soyboy when you can be a kikkoman
├─■ 🕑 25.
│ arch: i used to go to gaia online
│ arch: i trolled it hard and made hundreds of accounts and then they sent the police to my house and dad's work after i posted goatse
│ arch: gaiaonline told them that i was a minor and that goatse was a photo of myself , thus [ REDACTED BY EDITOR ]
│ arch: the police officer brought a picture of goatse to my house with a black box over the genital and anus
│ arch: but he showed my dad the proper uncensored one
│ arch: they didn't have IP banning
│ arch: sometimes i would make 4 or 5 accounts a day
├─■ 🕑 26.
│ Archduke: what caste is your gf
├─■ 🕑 27.
│ [2024-11-18 00:38:14] gyudon_addict◆hawaiiZtQ6: persist this cock, persist these balls
└─■ 🕑 28.
giko.py◆BOT: Sorry, I don't know when god was last here!