@ Pohon BBS
Does Anonymity really improve discourse? (5 replies)

■ 🕑 5.
   it allows to spread the honest truth - which is valuable
   without being persecuted for it - which is very valuable
   >Anonymity lowers the barrier to entry
   it doesn't. it may require registration, and darknets+floss aren't easy nor popular.
   The main purpose of imageboards is said in my first 2 lines, which was formed by og Strange World ayashii author. You don't know history, you vernacular grug. Look at eternal summer, eternal september and how BBS spawned out of usenet groups.
   Chelsea Manning playing water polo in pool full of tears reading your shitpost.
   >Anonymous communities have no means by which to gatekeep
   they have, sometimes, iq captcha. Your post not passing it, do better, always strive for better.

Pohon BBS