@ Pohon BBS
Disable Gikopoi Firewall? (6 replies)

■ 🕑 2.
   For now, it would probably be fine to just allow Tor exit nodes for the
   regular domain and see how it goes. Should it not be sufficient, here
   are some measures that can be taken to have pie and eat it too:
   Although it would take some more time & work to configure, a Tor hidden
   service would let ipadb run for the regular domain while letting in Tor
   users via a loopback addr. That way, the onion addr could be left as a
   secret that isn't too hard to find but discourages impatient trolls.
   Maybe a link in an image on the wiki for a Tor article?
    * disable ip bans for loopback addr
    * raise max users on loopback to something like 6
    * access toggle with fallback for trusted people
   This probably wont be necessary, but it's perspective worthy of post.
   Maybe we get some more traffic from behind great firewalls of cn/ru ^_^

Pohon BBS