#1. Melancholy Paradox |
Published: 2024-05-13 [Mon] 11:15, by |
Recently I have been craving solitude. It's strange since so much of my life has been driven by companionship and socialisation. I sort of have everything I've ever wanted, a dream job, a life long companion, financial security and future growth prospects. Yet. I feel the intrusive urge to throw it away. It's as if I WANT to become a hikki. Im well aware how privilidged I am to contemplate this, it disgusts me in a way. So is this just a manifestation of selfdestructive tendencies? Or am i trying to fly to close to the NEET sun? Was Diogenes wise to become a hobo-maxing NEETma grindset enthusiast? Niavely romanticising a dilapidated empty flat with nothing but the echoing keys of a dumpster laptop and stolen WIFI. In more important and relevant matters: How often do you wash your sheets? I want to wash them weekly, but have failed this routinne so far. Till we meet again - blogfagchan |