@ Pohon BBS

Giko Chess Games

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Published: 2025-02-06 [Thu] 17:34, by Anonymous
archduke 0 - akai 1

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#1. Giko Chess Games
Published: 2025-02-06 [Thu] 17:31, by Anonymous
Archduke vs Akai
2025-02-06, 17:20

1.e4 e5
2.Nb1c3 Ng8f6
3.Bf1c4 Qd8e7
4.d3 c6
5.Bc1g5 d5
6.Bg5xf6 Qe7xf6
7.exd5 b5
8.dxc6 bxc4
9.c7 Nb8c6
10.d4 Nc6xd4
11.Nc3d5 Qf6c6
12.Qd1h5 Nd4xc2
13.Ke1d2 Nc2xa1
14.Qh5xe5 Qc6e6
15.Ng1f3 Qe6xe5
16.Nf3xe5 Bf8d6
17.Ne5c6 Bc8a6
18.Rh1e1 Ke8d7
19.Nc6b4 Bd6xb4
Pohon BBS