@ Pohon BBS

Last 25 posts

1. hello, old friends ^___^
Published: 2024-12-20 [Fri] 09:08, by jax
doubt anyone remembers me around this corner
of the internet anymore, but im indeed still
around!! just lurking now

can't beleaf it's been almost 8 months (?)
since i last posted on one of these BBSes... i
guess im posting here specifically because of
its memorable-ness???? time flies man!!!!! i
recently got into baking, i made a really good
strawberry cake yesterday. im also an
alcoholic now #lifesgood

boards is still alive-iiiishhh, and it's about
to turn a year old!! ive moved on to newer
things, though. pikidiary is my new
microblogging site, heavily inspired by its
boardsian roots. much more normie-y, but still

anyways, i miss a lot of y'all!! email me if
you know who i am (⁠*´⁠︶`⁠) cya around!!!!
Published: 2024-12-16 [Mon] 18:48, by Anonymous
Does The Sixth Sense count? me and waifu saw that recently and we had a
lot of fun. Kind of a horror movie, kind of a detective movie... make
sure to watch it without spoilers :)
Published: 2024-12-05 [Thu] 17:45, by Anonymous
Recently produced ~12 liters of "low wines" from sugar washes.

Biggest game changer in my fermentation for distillation lately:
I add a tablespoon or two of diammonium phosphate and tiny pinch of
magnesium sulfate per ~20L of ferment I do. Seems to make a pretty
big difference: ferments go faster and cleaner.

Picked up about 200g of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) today and
converted it to washing soda (sodium carbonate) by throwing it in a
saucepan on the stove at a low heat and constantly stirring. Sure
enough, I could see the powder "boiling" -- despite wearing a face
mask, some funky smells came through. After about 20 minutes or so,
the texture of the powder appeared to change, and the powder seemed to
stop reacting.

Spilled a little in the process. Post-cook weight of sodium carbonate
was about 120g which is consistent with the theory.

Tomorrow I'll be throwing my 12 liters of "low wines" into the pot still
with 3-4 liters water and 4 tablespoons of washing soda. This should
result in a large volume of hearts, which will be turned into... gin!
this Saturday.

Stay tuned for updates.
Published: 2024-12-01 [Sun] 14:55, by Anonymous
Published: 2024-11-18 [Mon] 02:18, by Anonymous
Set up an XMPP server too. Contact me on Matrix or somewhere else for
an account, if interested.
Published: 2024-11-18 [Mon] 00:43, by PhatCat
[2024-11-18 00:38:14] gyudon_addict◆hawaiiZtQ6: persist this cock, persist these balls
1. Matrix server launched
Published: 2024-11-17 [Sun] 15:51, by @archduke:gikopoi.com
In the past I have hosted matrix-synapse servers on multiple
occasions; resource consumption was always the limiting factor that
led me to pull the plug on them. Maybe someday I'll launch an XMPP
server. Until then, please enjoy using our matrix-conduit server.
Say hi in #lounge:gikopoi.com or swing by the #relay:gikopoi.com room
to chat with our discord and irc friends.
Published: 2024-11-15 [Fri] 13:38, by Anonymous
Archduke: what caste is your gf
Published: 2024-11-14 [Thu] 21:25, by Anonymous
zzazzachu: >ginsberg
zzazzachu: crooooooooognge
zzazzachu: slam poetry tier shite
zzazzachu: life is shit, capitalism. sucking cock. the material world.
zzazzachu: - "The World" zzazzzachu

zzazzachu: caravans, moving homes
zzazzachu: the hum of the diesel engine
zzazzachu: the sound of freedom
zzazzachu: I take a drag
zzazzachu: - "The FreeHum" zzazzachu

zzazzachu: in summary, ginsberg is shit and anyone can write that fake deep garbage
zzazzachu: he's a total fraud
Published: 2024-11-05 [Tue] 20:02, by Anonymous
El Topo is a good one - a psychedelic Western released in 1970.

It's about a gunslinger in a nameless desert searching for enlightenment. The
movie deals heavily in Western and Eastern spiritual symbolism and philosophy.
A lot of bizarre occurences and characters - the movie at parts is very surreal
and almost comedic and in others is dramatic or very violent.

It's been watched by and has inspired a lot of creatives and in my opinion
should be watched at least once by anybody who says they enjoy cinema.
4. (optional)
Published: 2024-11-02 [Sat] 08:40, by Anonymous
in nostr
- if Relay & Client go offline, where is content hosted?
- Relay stores content. Does it store entire archive of whole network? And able to read and see data stored & who posted what. Or be flooded.
- nostr seems like can't run decentralized sql, same poroblem of web3, ipfs (thats hosts only static content)
Published: 2024-10-30 [Wed] 22:53, by Anonymous

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Published: 2024-10-30 [Wed] 22:46, by Anonymous
weird, cuz gikopoi works only with JS turned ON.
And normies in tor don't want it.
>(yet mentally ill)
don't automatically assume everyone else is diagnosed with same stuff as you.
in the era of mass survelliance (IDK HOW TO SPELL IT CORRECTLY ! SIC , me being retarted) , wars, oppression, geo locks ... many people flow towards tunnels / anonymity / privacy
Published: 2024-10-30 [Wed] 22:38, by Anonymous
it allows to spread the honest truth - which is valuable
without being persecuted for it - which is very valuable

>Anonymity lowers the barrier to entry
it doesn't. it may require registration, and darknets+floss aren't easy nor popular.

The main purpose of imageboards is said in my first 2 lines, which was formed by og Strange World ayashii author. You don't know history, you vernacular grug. Look at eternal summer, eternal september and how BBS spawned out of usenet groups.

Chelsea Manning playing water polo in pool full of tears reading your shitpost.

>Anonymous communities have no means by which to gatekeep
they have, sometimes, iq captcha. Your post not passing it, do better, always strive for better.
Published: 2024-10-29 [Tue] 19:23, by t^_^
for those that don't already know, the tor ban has been reinstated after
spammers abused in the game. i can't shake the unfounded feeling this
has something to do with recent harassment of tor relay operators. the
attacker is port scanning honeypots with spoofed source addresses of the
relays to get abuse reports sent.


concerted effort to get tor banned everywhere? who's to say.
Published: 2024-10-28 [Mon] 17:01, by Anonymous
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Published: 2024-10-27 [Sun] 14:28, by Anonymous
Once you cut spam out of the equation, per month multichan maybe had
3 or 4 non-spam users posting, and I suspect at least half of them post
here. To the best of my knowledge, 0chan was the only multichan node up.

If you do with to host your own node, be informed the moderation tools
are subpar. I will be releasing the full set of posts and tags this week
on github if you want to restart the project. Multichan works fine on
Tor and Tor and clearnet instances can even talk together.

I was thinking about how to improve on multichan. Anonymity + federation
= spam, a hypothesis verified by NNTPchan, Multichan, and Fchannel all
alike. I was thinking: what about a *chan based around the use of PGP
keys? it would reduce spam and make it easier for users/instances to
filter out low quality content. Then I stumbled upon Nostr protocol...

I'm debating whether to make a proper multichan sequel with PGP support
and better moderation tools, building on multichan/pohon source, or
building a *chan-like frontend for Nostr network. While Nostr is less
anonymous than multichan, it is much more resilient and gives users a
ton of great tools.

Nostr is intended to be a microblogging-like service, but it isn't
necessarily one. There are wiki, blog, and market softwares built on
the protocol. (not to mention, end-to-end encrypted messaging) See
some Nostr-verse software here:


Even though multichan had cool ideas, spam was a nightmare and for... 2 years?
there has been to my knowledge only one node operating, and it got very little
traffic. So I simply didn't see any point to make it keep living and put it
out of its misery. If you can convince me why it should be brought back, I'll
consider it, as a subdomain here or on //4x13.net

If there is to be a multichan2 at some point, aside from PGP, I would also
like it to maintain a living archive of all known textboards and make it easy
for people to scrape other sources to generate threads. This was part of my
plan for multichan from the start although I never got around to it.
1. multichan/0chan.vip down
Published: 2024-10-24 [Thu] 17:37, by pahom
0chan.vip (multichan) is down.

the last bastion of truth & freedom. a truly decentralized federated multichan
bbs without js bloat.

bring it back.
pohon is not a replacement because it's not a decentralized multichan.
1. Somali/Syria vs DPRK
Published: 2024-10-10 [Thu] 20:13, by Anonymous
Somali/Syria/Mnyanmar vs DPRK
which have better Human Development Index?
which have higher minimum wage adjusted to PPP/bigmac/hamburger?
which have more M.Sc. graduates, scientific publications, and doctors per capita?
Which have better public transport transit infrastructure?
Published: 2024-10-10 [Thu] 19:42, by Anonymous
I feel like it's actually a pain & GNU+Linus propaganda tricked me to wasting years of my life.
Published: 2024-10-10 [Thu] 15:17, by t^_^
please note the soft is still unfinished and has problems with dropped
connections. once i can get a good programming interface kinda like
eggdrop i'll consider it done.
Published: 2024-10-10 [Thu] 13:45, by Anonymous
A challenger appears!


giko.tcl, by gyudon_addict's brother
Published: 2024-10-09 [Wed] 19:32, by Anonymous
My favorite tea is Earl grey and Lady Grey, but for Halloween,
I like to drink Rooibos while handing out candy.
1. sorry for the recent downtime
Published: 2024-09-27 [Fri] 09:19, by Anonymous
I was on vacation for 2 weeks and I guess the BBS decided to kill
itself. No problem: I'm back now!
Pohon BBS