@ Pohon BBS

Last 25 posts

Published: 2024-05-14 [Tue] 11:48, by blogfagchan
Highly recommend Perfect Blue (1997)
1. Melancholy Paradox
Published: 2024-05-13 [Mon] 11:15, by blogfagchan
Recently I have been craving solitude.
It's strange since so much of my life has been driven by
companionship and socialisation.
I sort of have everything I've ever wanted, a dream job,
a life long companion, financial security
and future growth prospects.
I feel the intrusive urge to throw it away.
It's as if I WANT to become a hikki.
Im well aware how privilidged I am to contemplate this, it disgusts me in a way.
So is this just a manifestation of selfdestructive tendencies?
Or am i trying to fly to close to the NEET sun?
Was Diogenes wise to become a hobo-maxing NEETma grindset enthusiast?
Niavely romanticising a dilapidated empty flat with nothing
but the echoing keys of a dumpster laptop and stolen WIFI.
In more important and relevant matters:
How often do you wash your sheets?
I want to wash them weekly, but have failed this routinne so far.
Till we meet again - blogfagchan
Published: 2024-05-10 [Fri] 17:48, by Anonymous
- RSS bot : when various feeds are updated, announce it in chat
- URL titles : when a link is dropped, let people know what the <title>
for the page is
- !seen <username> : find out the last time a user signed on and/or

I think a !seen command is equal parts good and bad....

[+] Due to the ephemeral nature of the 'poi it's common to wonder when
certain characters were last around.

[-] But part of what makes Gikopoi great and semi-unique is that it is
somewhat ephemeral, especially contrasting with Discord etc. If you
really want to get in touch with someone you haven't seen for a while,
you can send them a memo with !mail username || message and hope they
Published: 2024-05-03 [Fri] 18:53, by Anonymous
For those who wondered, I got roughly 7 liters of 80% as an end result
of hearts pickiness from a batch of low wines
Published: 2024-05-01 [Wed] 03:42, by Anonymous

Tried making these. They turned out great. My only problem was that my barley
malt syrup wasn't a quality product so the bagels weren't as flavorful as they
could be..
Published: 2024-04-30 [Tue] 07:09, by Anonymous
I'd been neglecting my inbox for some time and when I logged on, I saw
that a dear old friend had sent me a chain of messages mixed in among
the inevitable newsletters and various other forms of spam

He asked me how I was doing and told me he was quitting drinking....
Then he sent some long emails about how gangstalkers from region X
followed him to region Y and were putting pressure on him.

Sent an email he regretted sending and then another apologizing for
the recent involvement, said he was looking forward to future messages
if I still considered him to be a friend.

It was fun writing up a !!! 5 page response !!! about life updates
and observations.

Email is timeless, much like textboards. Whether you answer a week or
month later, you will probably be responded to properly in due time.
Email is the patient man's game, like many of the best things in life
Published: 2024-04-28 [Sun] 19:43, by Anonymous
A few kilograms of dry malt extract, various hops, food grade
20L / 5 gallon buckets, and airlocks with grommets are coming in
the mail. My beer and whisky making arc will begin soon.

I'm thinking of initially trying to make whisky via UJSSM tech but also
considering making one from dry malt extract sans hops -- I hear hops
are neither necessary nor desirable when producing whisky ...

Big concern for beer production: I don't have any feasible way to
carbonate beverages, whether in glass bottles or keg. So I guess
it'll be "not even beer!" depending on one's definition. I'd love to
buy a keg and CO2 tanks, maybe even a devoted fridge down the line, but
wife is already annoyed as-is by the malt/hops/buckets/airlocks
purchase. We'll just have to wait and see.
Published: 2024-04-20 [Sat] 04:38, by Anonymous

Published: 2024-04-13 [Sat] 20:43, by Anonymous
gyudon_addictâ—†hawaiiZtQ6: i thought when you said 'purge a meal' you
meant just wolf it down real quick
Published: 2024-04-11 [Thu] 02:53, by Anonymous
!wiki [Article name]
print the top section of a wikipedia article
1. Baking breads, recipe threads
Published: 2024-04-08 [Mon] 03:22, by Anonymous
> Naan bread

> Rustic bread

> spicy cheesy scone

1. pohon poetics (gikoetry)
Published: 2024-04-07 [Sun] 08:51, by post poems here
sharing feeling and perspective morphs into an insult
I foolishly spilt what I wanted private, how stupid of me.
now it's sighing, begging for a pity party
murky thinking., my paper isn't safe either,
they hope to glean what? wants?
once I showed them a possibility of positivity or justice
they feared my hubris and punishment and told them
and they presumed to know me, my beliefs, my logic
and pretended like it was for my
protest our suffering with outlook. own good not to
## and "care" never passed career.
I can't be private, can't be public, what good is it to be a person?
and just when I nearly came off as frustrated & angered, then I
lamented & secluded []
1. the question
Published: 2024-04-06 [Sat] 10:25, by Anonymous
what good is culture if it's inorganic (e.g. marketing & propaganda)?
cultural transmission controlled for profit like with recommendations
content (i.e. not art) produced mechanically to optimize something
could it even be called culture? or maybe it's "adversarial culture."
or culture takes after the shape of power.

if one wants to reject it, they may alienate themself from others.
surely there are others condemned. where will they dwell?
maybe there can be a club with no invitations, just the natural end of
a thought, or maybe converging paths.
Published: 2024-04-06 [Sat] 09:52, by Anonymous
cheap green decaffeinated green bag tea
Published: 2024-04-06 [Sat] 07:35, by Admin
Now if you are viewing a tag or group of tags, you can create a new
thread with those tags from that page. A little improvement but not a
bad one.
Published: 2024-04-06 [Sat] 07:06, by Anonymous
Distilled ~14L of 40% alcohol from tomato paste wash (72L, 14%) this
week. Sadly, they need another distillation or two yet to become a
vodka, but it's been nice to keep busy.
Published: 2024-04-06 [Sat] 07:04, by Anonymous
Gunpowder tea. A bit oversteeped but still plenty drinkable.
Published: 2024-03-27 [Wed] 10:02, by Anonymous
Sesame barley tea
1. Draw whatever is on the surface of your head.
Published: 2024-03-25 [Mon] 13:28, by Anonymous
I'd like you to take a deep breath, sit up straight.
Take account of your surroundings.
What do you hear?
What sort of thinking is filling your head? What do you see?
How does your body feel?
Tense, relaxed, contorted?
Now, pick up a pencil.
Draw whatever comes to mind.
What did you draw? Tell us.
Published: 2024-03-24 [Sun] 08:17, by Anonymous
I remember Noroi: The Curse being pretty good. Weird mockumentary/found footage
kind of thing about this girl who's cursed by an ancient god or something, and
there's this tinfoil hat schizo guy that helps them get out of it.
They all die at the end, though
Published: 2024-03-21 [Thu] 15:40, by Anonymous
Moon (2009) is a good one. Guy goes up to the moon and finds something
that he's not supposed to.
1. Weird movies
Published: 2024-03-20 [Wed] 20:17, by Anonymous
Saw Donny Darko with the wife. It's an interesting movie: it
encourages us to doubt objectivity, reality, virtue, truth while
also encouraging the audience to sympathize with a psychotic vandal,
criminal, killer.

20+ years after the fact, I'll say Donny Darko is not so "DEEP" or
world changing, especially relative to all the multiverse / timeline
hopping stuff that became so trendy since its release, but it's still
a fine movie to watch and enjoy for its general conceit...
Published: 2024-03-20 [Wed] 20:14, by Anonymous
The apple cranberry finished first: really I have to say, it's an utter
delight to drink. Apple ciders fermented *dry* on their own can
sometimes be a bit unpleasant, but somehow the more sour cranberry
matches these off-tastes, and really ups the end result.
Published: 2024-03-19 [Tue] 21:07, by Anonymous
Pohon BBS