1. sorry for the recent downtime |
Published: 2024-09-27 [Fri] 09:19, by |
I was on vacation for 2 weeks and I guess the BBS decided to kill itself. No problem: I'm back now! |
4. |
Published: 2024-09-16 [Mon] 02:32, by |
Thank you. I use an ordinary paid VPN that gets blocked by the filter. The filter that Gikopoi uses seems extremely aggressive, far more so than most of the rest of the web. Not even e-commerce or online banking sites block it ^^; I can only speak for myself, but I don't really want random website owners/moderators knowing my precise IRL location - especially on the imageboard/anonymous BBS-adjacent side of the web, where websites are often ran/moderated by less-than-stable individuals (and I say that as someone who runs/moderates those types of sites myself XD) It may be possible on the VPN to whitelist sites on a site-by-site basis (I've never tried and not particularly willing), but I'd never disable it entirely because I browse/use more than 1 website/service at once (ZOMG TABS) |
3. |
Published: 2024-09-15 [Sun] 14:15, by |
The anti-abuse filter has been disabled as a limited experiment. The second anyone abuses it, it's going back on. |
2. |
Published: 2024-09-14 [Sat] 18:43, by |
For now, it would probably be fine to just allow Tor exit nodes for the regular domain and see how it goes. Should it not be sufficient, here are some measures that can be taken to have pie and eat it too: Although it would take some more time & work to configure, a Tor hidden service would let ipadb run for the regular domain while letting in Tor users via a loopback addr. That way, the onion addr could be left as a secret that isn't too hard to find but discourages impatient trolls. Maybe a link in an image on the wiki for a Tor article? * disable ip bans for loopback addr * raise max users on loopback to something like 6 * access toggle with fallback for trusted people This probably wont be necessary, but it's perspective worthy of post. Maybe we get some more traffic from behind great firewalls of cn/ru ^_^ |
1. Disable Gikopoi Firewall? |
Published: 2024-09-13 [Fri] 15:36, by |
Should I disable the Gikopoi firewall that keeps out (primarily) Tor users? A lot of people have complained about this over the years; largely I've felt that if people want to use Gikopoi, there should be no problem in using their normal IP address and that there is no good reason for using Tor -- no countries block gikopoi.com and information is already encrypted via HTTPS if people are concerned about roommates or government spying on them. However, at the same time I acknowledge that there may be interesting (yet mentally ill) people who will only use Tor or whatever sketchy VPNs the firewall blocks that are not necessarily pedophiles/spammers. If this experiment goes wrong, it only takes 2 seconds to turn the firewall back on. So, I open this question up to the audience. |
24. |
Published: 2024-09-06 [Fri] 18:37, by |
>>23 My friends (2/3) preferred the apple cider to ginger ale, but they all enjoyed everything. They were really impressed by the homemade whisky -- per my advice, they mixed it with Sprite (I brought several bottles of Sprite) and they had several servings of it. Had fun bringing the party in a dry county for $10-ish. |
23. |
Published: 2024-09-05 [Thu] 13:37, by |
6 bottles of corn whisky, 3 liters of apple cider, and 1.5 liters of ginger ale ready for consumption. Bringing it to a party tomorrow night! |
25. |
Published: 2024-09-03 [Tue] 18:29, by |
arch: i used to go to gaia online arch: i trolled it hard and made hundreds of accounts and then they sent the police to my house and dad's work after i posted goatse arch: gaiaonline told them that i was a minor and that goatse was a photo of myself , thus [ REDACTED BY EDITOR ] arch: the police officer brought a picture of goatse to my house with a black box over the genital and anus arch: but he showed my dad the proper uncensored one arch: they didn't have IP banning arch: sometimes i would make 4 or 5 accounts a day |
2. |
Published: 2024-09-02 [Mon] 21:30, by |
make sure to check tripcodes at the door ^_^ what time of year would be good? some kind of worldwide holiday season might be good (?spring break?) but i don't know enough about travel. |
4. |
Published: 2024-09-02 [Mon] 21:22, by |
>>3 last line in tree got wrapped for some reason, tclreadline isn't actually needed (leftover from old interactive thing) and i forgot to remove it |
3. |
Published: 2024-09-02 [Mon] 21:20, by |
>>2 package require Tclx package require tclreadline proc rm { target } { if {[ file exists $target ]} { file delete -- $target return } error "error removing \"$target\": no such file or directory" } proc rmr { path } { xpt rm [ tree $path ] } proc mv { src dst } { file rename -force -- $src $dst } proc cp { src dst } { file copy -force -- $src $dst } proc mkdir { path } { file mkdir $path } proc ls {{ path . }} { if { ! [ catch { file link $path }]} { error "open of directory \"${path}\" failed: not a directory" } vert [ readdir $path ] } proc lsn {{ path . }} { vert [ enumerate [ ls $path ]] 2 } proc cdn { n } { cd [ sel $n ] } proc scroll { txt } { set fd [ open "| less" w ] puts $fd $txt close $fd } proc vert { l { w 1 }} { set out "" set i 1 foreach item $l { append out [ list $item ] if { $i % $w == 0 } { set sep_c "\n" } else { set sep_c " " } incr i append out $sep_c } string trimright $out } proc prefix { prefix l } { for { set i 0 } { $i < [ llength $l ]} { incr i } { lset l $i "$prefix[ lindex $l $i ]" } return $l } proc enumerate { l } { set out [ dict create ] for { set i 0 } { $i < [ llength $l ]} { incr i } { dict set out $i [ lindex $l $i ] } return $out } proc sel { n { path . }} { dict get [ lsn $path ] $n } proc xp { cmd args_list { tail "" }} { set out [ list ] foreach item $args_list { if { $tail eq "" } { set retval [ uplevel 1 [ list {*}$cmd $item ]] } else { set retval [ uplevel 1 [ list {*}$cmd $item {*}$tail ]] } if { $retval ne "" } { lappend out $retval } } return $out } proc xpt { cmd tree { tail "" } { depth 1 }} { set name [ lindex $tree 0 ] set branches [ lindex $tree 1 ] if {[ llength $branches ] == 0 } { if { $tail eq "" } { return [ uplevel $depth [ list {*}$cmd $name ]] } else { return [ uplevel $depth [ list {*}$cmd $name {*}$tail ]] } } lappend branches [ list $name [ list ]] set out [ list ] foreach branch $branches { set retval [ xpt $cmd $branch $tail [ expr { $depth + 1 }]] if { $retval ne "" } { lappend out $retval } } return $out } proc tree {{ path . } { max_depth -1 } { depth 0 }} { set path [ string trimright $path "/" ] if {[ catch { ls $path } subdirs ] || ( $max_depth >= 0 && $depth > $max_depth )} { set subdirs {} } incr depth set ugly [ xp tree [ prefix "${path}/" $subdirs ] "$max_depth $depth" ] list $path [ prefix "\n" [ vert [ prefix [ string repeat " " $depth ] $ugly ]]] } |
3. |
Published: 2024-09-02 [Mon] 17:54, by |
Nekomonogatari: Kuro I've resolved to catch up to the currently-airing Monogatari Series season. There are about 20 hours of watching ahead of me, but I feel I can definitely get it done. Idk if other people saw Monogatari Series but it's definitely got style. |
2. |
Published: 2024-09-02 [Mon] 17:51, by |
1. The Giko Gathering 2025 |
Published: 2024-09-02 [Mon] 17:50, by |
hotaru has proposed a Giko Gathering 2025 in Turkey. Pros: - Turkey is pretty cheap - Accessible to most Euro bros - Accessible to Indonesians - Hotaru can probably score us weed |
1. computer programme fun |
Published: 2024-09-01 [Sun] 09:23, by |
the 'tree' command for my little tcl utilities collection now pretty prints, but is still valid data. format is { path { subdirectories }} example output: mush {{ mush/people.tcl {}} { mush/player.tcl {}} { mush/input.tcl {}} { mush/notions.tcl {}} { mush/mush.tcl {}} { mush/c {{ mush/c/raymath.h {}} { mush/c/raylib.h {}} { mush/c/raygui.h {}} { mush/c/libraylib.a {}} { mush/c/rl.c {}} { mush/c/make.tcl {}} { mush/c/rlgl.h {}} { mush/c/rl.so {}}}} { mush/graphics.tcl {}} { mush/tool.tcl {}} { mush/tools.txt {}} { mush/proto.tcl {}} { mush/event.tcl {}} { mush/object.tcl {}}} |
19. |
Published: 2024-08-30 [Fri] 10:22, by |
>>15 Added !seen <name> command. You need to include the tripcode (if there is one) and pay attention to CaPiTaLiZaTiOn! It updates the seen time (a) when someone logs in, (b) when someone logs out, (c) when the bot logs on. Enjoy! |
44. |
Published: 2024-08-22 [Thu] 04:55, by |
>>43 you can either make the tile warp someone to someplace weird or just copy the background to an object layer if you want to "hide" a giko |
43. |
Published: 2024-08-21 [Wed] 21:34, by |
the folks writing a map editor seemed to be having some trouble doing tiles that gikos could hide in, how about a new tile type that hides a character sprite? |
5. |
Published: 2024-08-19 [Mon] 08:51, by |
I've been making a lot of chicken jerky lately! https://wiki.gikopoi.com/o/ChickenJerky.0 Cheap and almost tastes the same as beef jerky. |
2. |
Published: 2024-08-18 [Sun] 16:34, by |
Made a Library and Temple! |
1. Gikopoi map ideas |
Published: 2024-08-13 [Tue] 07:02, by |
Now that someone is working on a level editor for gikopoi... what are some map ideas you have? I made a brief list here: https://wiki.gikopoi.com/w/GikoRoomIdeas |
24. |
Published: 2024-08-13 [Tue] 06:53, by |
Archduke: im nuts about soy Archduke: edamame, miso, tempe, tofu Archduke: im a soy boy gyudon_addictâ—†hawaiiZtQ6: why be a soyboy when you can be a kikkoman |
4. |
Published: 2024-08-10 [Sat] 15:13, by |
left water in some coal ashes overnight to make potash for lye, i don't have any wood ashes but coal ash should work anyway. going to try making soap with olive oil. |
2. |
Published: 2024-07-27 [Sat] 23:49, by |
I watched FLAG earlier this year. The documentary/found footage aspect worked better than I thought it would but I never really felt a connection to any of the characters apart from maybe the other journalist guy. I get what they were going for with the ending but I didn't care enough to feel anything when it happened. Just "oh, that's how it ends." Currently I'm watching Silent Mobius, a show about a special task force of policewomen in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo fighting a demon invasion against a vaguely Judeo-Christian backdrop. A couple of episodes in and it looks like it's going to be fun but nothing special. |