@ Pohon BBS

Last 25 posts

Published: 2024-07-25 [Thu] 01:57, by Anonymous
I managed to drink 3/4 of a bottle of my bourbon last night (mixed with
Sprite and Coca-Cola) while the most I've ever been able to drink of
commercial whisky in a night is 1/4 of a bottle. And that 1/4 a bottle
of whisky would always give me a terrible headache while I'm feeling
terrific today.

Whether that's a statement in favor of or against moonshining depends on
your point of view... only $2 down the drain on that bottle, at least.
Published: 2024-07-24 [Wed] 15:07, by Indonesian Distiller
I did the second batch of UJSSM whisky yesterday (aka, a proper sour
mash bourbon) and ran it with the low wines from the first stripping
run. After taking decent cuts, I diluted and blended all the jars today
and mixed the better tasting stuff together. Ended up with 4x 700ml
bottles around 43% each.

It's nowhere near as smooth as it could be if I distilled it another
time or carbon filtered it or aged it on charred oak for a few years.
But for what it is, it's pretty good. I've been mixing it with Sprite
and sipping it on the rocks. The bourbon is sweet, corny, and... creamy,
almost buttery. It's a little hard to drink neat, but it adds some nice
flavor to mixed beverages.

My 3rd generation UJSSM is currently fermenting, 20L worth, along with
another 20L of sugar-wine (kilju) that will end up as vodka. There is
no more tomato paste for sale in my town so I tried adding some of the
bourbon backset with some boiled yeast to serve as a nutrient for the
new vodka.
1. What's the last ANIME you watched?
Published: 2024-07-24 [Wed] 15:01, by Anonymous
I'm finishing up FLAG (2006) tonight. Kind of a weird show. It shows
about war between the UN and some vaguely Tibetan religious
extremists, all shown from the perspective of recorded footage from
war journalists. There's mechas in it too but they're treated somewhat
realistically... It's not an "OMG MUST WATCH" kinda show but it's
Published: 2024-07-20 [Sat] 11:05, by Anonymous
Moon: I officially dub dxm "memory water"
Published: 2024-07-19 [Fri] 23:12, by Anonymous
infra arcana is good. i don't know if i'd say i dislike the 'downtime' of
exploration in other roguelikes but it is refreshing to play one where
starting from the first floor you are always either in extreme danger or
in close proximity to it.
Published: 2024-07-18 [Thu] 05:11, by Admin-san
If you use the Gikopoi userscript with Tampermonkey, you can automatically
filter trouble words or trouble users! Lots of cool other features too.

Grab it here:

As for hiding threads/comments/posts containing badwords here, that requires
Javascript which I'm allergic to. If you or anyone else with Javascript skillz
wants to write a userscript that adds these features, I will happily link to it
on the homepage of bbs.gikopoi.com .
Published: 2024-07-18 [Thu] 05:08, by Admin-san
1. I can make the box slightly transparent if you'd like; otherwise,
maybe some CSS wizard can help out. My CSS-foo is not great and I'm
working on figuring this out for future themes.

2. This is a good idea and something I will implement soon.

3. This was attempted on https://0chan.vip (which also isn't fussy about
"long lines") and it worked okay but also lead to most of the tags
only being used a single time; other tags were abused, sometimes tags
were duplicated; it ended up just being too much work to babysit.
For now, if you want a specific tag, you can request it, or if I see
a lot of threads being created that deserve their own tag, I'll add
it. I think the current selection of tags is pretty good.

As a note, "general" tag should be used for any topics that invite more
serious discussions, and "random" should be used for more silly or dumb
topics. "Life" is for more personal topics or blog-like threads, while
"society" is for things like politics, history, religion, philosophy.

Thank you for your feedback!
Published: 2024-07-18 [Thu] 05:00, by Admin
1. I want posts to look good by default in "tree mode"; long lines
don't look good. Auto-line breaking doesn't always look good.
2. By default, I want white-space to be preserved -- this is useful when
sharing ASCII art, code chunks, poetry, etc. It's also the way old
email, USENET threads, and text-sharing used to be online. And it
3. The standard of well-formatted posts really pisses off zoomers and
phone posters...
4. ... but if you want or need "long lines" for some reason, you can
manually override the filter by checking the "LL" (long line) box
next to the "Post comment" button.

(Wow, look at how beautiful that list is!)

Maybe in the future, I'll have a "format post" checkbox set by default
at the bottom that breaks up long lines. For now, I don't think most
people have any real issue with it. When you're writing a longer post,
just hit "enter" when your sentence is nearing the edge of the post box,
exactly like one hits the "carriage return" before going to the edge of
a page when using a type writer.

The software at ayashii.net , which this project takes inspiration from,
originally also had an anti-long-line feature before the heyuriteens
disabled it because teens kept complaining. Maybe 2channel also yelled
at people for writing long lines, but I can't remember....

This innocent little tripwire also gives you a chance to reread your
post before submitting it, which I think's helpful -- not planning to
allow people to edit or delete their own messages, ever.
Published: 2024-07-17 [Wed] 13:15, by Anonymous
Actually, the long line problems are a pesk to resolve manually.
I guess I can take it into account with my writing style.
But everyone and their mom uses an automatic word wrap.
Why doesn't this software?
Published: 2024-07-17 [Wed] 13:13, by Anonymous
Here are a few changes I'm requesting.

1. For me the navigation box hovers the thread so there's some text I can't read.
Maybe move it to a sidebar at the right hand side.

2. Dynamic page titles based on the subject of the thread, the tag name, etc. This cleans up the history.
I think when you're viewing a reply it's good to have the title be based on the content in case there is no subject.

3. Dynamic tag creation. Let people type whatever tags they want
in a space-separated list and have it propose autocompletes based on existing tags.
Published: 2024-07-17 [Wed] 03:42, by Anonymous
あなたのIPは拒否されました。TorやVPNを使わないでください。Your IP was rejected. Please do not use Tor or VPNs. https://www.abuseipdb.com/check/
34. little tank
Published: 2024-07-16 [Tue] 21:19, by Anonymous
/_______\========< ~~~~~~>=====>
37. Better filtering tools
Published: 2024-07-16 [Tue] 16:19, by Anonymous
For the BBS:
1) The ability to hide threads and replies
2) An individual word filter

For gikopoi itself:
1) An individual word filter
Yes I know I can ignore people who spam certain words
but I want the tools to filter those words for myself
please and thank you
4. Agree, but how do you define gatekeeping?
Published: 2024-07-16 [Tue] 02:52, by Anonymous
I think you make good points, but how do you define gatekeeping?
Because using it as a clutch can make communities stale.
It'll just be old heads patting each other's back until death
Sure you can encourage people how to act and discourage bad behaviours
But I view that more as guidance rather than gatekeeping.

I think a focus on gatekeeping is good for communities that want to
stay niche. Otherwise you end up with the citizen police of online.

That being said the strange world/heyuri thing linked here is
a good example of gatekeeping. I love how they discourage wojaks
and oomer talk. More sites should do that.

As for what gyudon_addict said, I think having a mix of anon and
pseudo users encourages healthy diversity. Focus on one too much
and either you get toxic hellholes or egoboo central.

For the scaling thing, I agree. It's best that anonymous places
don't get bloated so there's nothing left but bad shitposts.
It's best to spread other sites and encourage people find a
space for them instead of trying to jam everyone in one location
3. New guy, loving it here
Published: 2024-07-15 [Mon] 22:51, by New guy
I just gotta say
I found this space about an hour ago and I'm loving
The gikopoi feels like lively chat with avatars
much more exciting than most discord servers I've been to

And a BBS on top of that?!?!
Amazing. love fun internet spaces like these

I'll be sure to tell my friends about this place.
This needs more loving (^-^)ゝ
6. FOSS? I love those
Published: 2024-07-15 [Mon] 22:10, by Anonymous
My favorites are Moria, Sil and Sil Q.
Angband feels too bloated.
I love it when FOSS games focus on a tight experience that still feels
it has "depth" to play.

Here's a fun one:
Shadow of the Wyrm.
Another RPG roguelike, try it out lads
Published: 2024-07-15 [Mon] 05:29, by Anonymous
Distilling my "sweet mash" UJSSM whisky now. I was surprised, the top
layer of corn is gray but most of the corn is still good and yellow.
It fermented pretty quick and it smells a bit corny but nothing
really impressive.

Once my distillation is done, I'll pour some of the "backset" (the
beer without alcohol left in the boiler) back into my corn yeast sugar
bucket and kick off a "sour mash fermentation."

Right now I'm using cracked corn for flavor, partially because it's
so damn cheap, but I've seen people speak very highly of corn flake

Made about 6L more of apple cider this afternoon, too. I am a busy
little bee!
1. Playing poker
Published: 2024-07-14 [Sun] 17:06, by Anonymous
How do you like playing poker?

Me, my favorite is Omaha Hold'Em or 5 card draw. My friends like Texas
Hold Em though. The only poker they knew of was Texas Hold Em. It's
not a bad game, but I think introducing more variants could be fun --
we currently go for "dealer's choice" in our games.

If you have any variant ideas... would love to hear them... trying a
few hands of the original 4 player, 20 card poker could be fun too,
maybe I'm being unrealistic.

We usually start with 40-50 "points" per player. This can last quite a
while. Betting rules are pretty minimal -- you can't raise in a round
if you previously checked or called, and you can't re-raise if you
raised and no one else raises. We don't have any betting minimums or
maximums in play but pot-limit may be a good approach if anyone, err,
plays against the vibe. We tend to double the blinds every 15 minutes or
so to help speed things along.

It would be great to play poker with other gikos sometime, whether for
money (gikocoins?) or prestige.
Published: 2024-07-14 [Sun] 16:41, by Anonymous
this one's a classic. I'm so glad it was shot in black and white. Not a
hipster, but black and white can be so kino. Don't you think
Dr Strangelove (1964) would be so worse in color?

I saw the new Godzilla Minus One in color then later saw the B+W one.
that was somehow way better.
Published: 2024-07-14 [Sun] 14:22, by Anonymous
Today I played a couple games of Go at the Buddhist temple's cafe while
drinking some nice canned oolong tea. Won every game!

Last night we had a poker night with 5 people. Played for about 3 hours.
I ended up winning that, too. Starting to get a reputation as a serious
1. post various neat things you did
Published: 2024-07-13 [Sat] 17:38, by Anonymous
house doesn't have a sauna so i put the shower at maximum and covered
the vent. it steam's up a little and you can pretend you are in suomi.
Published: 2024-07-13 [Sat] 17:33, by Anonymous
i don't have much doubt you wont, but please don't do it the usual
way where its a js controlled drop-down menu and cookie!
maybe a cgi variable in url or something works.
Published: 2024-07-13 [Sat] 14:57, by Admin-san
this looks cool man, i'll look into adding themes to the code soon
Published: 2024-07-13 [Sat] 04:19, by Anonymous
wip: https://i.imgur.com/tm7lSEq.jpeg
Pohon BBS