@ Pohon BBS
gikopoi.py (21 replies)

■ 🕑 7. kick/ban related ideas
│  !banlist
│  get a numbered list of banned users, how long ago they were banned, and
│  why they were banned (use this with related !unban command)
│   1000 Gikocoins:
│  !banname reason || Username
│  !banid reason || ID
│   100 Gikocoins:
│  !kickname Username
│  !kickid ID
│   40 Gikocoins:
│  !unban #
│  Votekick has also been suggested; the eligible voters would be the users
│  present when the votekick was initiated.
└─■ 🕑 10.
    Kick working, but apparently it's a little buggy.

Pohon BBS