@ Pohon BBS
tripex tripcode finding software (5 replies)

■ 🕑 2. tripex 1.1
│  version 1.1, cryptography patch.
│  i forgot to audit the cryptography; i made a huge boneheaded mistake
│  with the key filter (thing that turns pure random bytes into printable
│  ascii) where it was skewing a lot. now it uses an 85 character subset
│  (256 % 85 = 1) which has a very tiny amount of skew but doesn't lose
│  as much entropy as an unskewed 64 character subset of ascii would.
│  the default key length is also increased to 10, so that it would be
│  ~64 shannons of entropy total (a tripcode has 60 shannons.)
│  here is the patch file, apply it to the original as follows:
│  patch tripex.c tripex-1.1.patch
│  then recompile the program as follows:
│  gcc tripex.c -o tripex -O3 -lcrypt
│  -----BEGIN FILE tripex-1.1.patch-----
│  36c36
│  < size_t key_len = 8;
│  ---
│  > size_t key_len = 10;
│  67c67
│  < printf("tripex 1.0 by taocana\n");
│  ---
│  > printf("tripex 1.1 by taocana\n");
│  167a168,175
│  > /* we must get printable ascii from a random byte,
│  > * but 256 % 94 = 68 which leaves too much skew.
│  > * quantizing into 64 chars won't skew at all, but
│  > * it only has 6 shannons of entropy per character.
│  > * an 85 character quantization only skews by a
│  > * remainder of one, which is miniscule enough and
│  > * we average 6.41 shannons per character.
│  > */
│  169,176c177,192
│  < "{dDOFByx8Jdo=C.{hFw:'p%m+]E-*}~4"
│  < "O)YiM99y?%A)tldRIN4!fat`J|(iI+}h"
│  < "]59P#T_Qx#h0q8w+F,$}Vo5Gq;<rw]Y~"
│  < "k6>O~Ge,.DW9`hqhaSf#A.vrnhy`[2Ct"
│  < "Bb6|7Mr+iJZG5.&7>?K@{D~6*Vs'H_*>"
│  < "$Mh3R-F$Sp^.E5R-W1DnQzXC@Tf']xxt"
│  < "o`GLO'Ui`S/v,aegU2HkE3Y6y!WZm%?k"
│  < "aD/H=yH4vQg7dC*(Gx$vV[<vV?jw8s^d";
│  ---
│  > "!#$%&'()*+,-./012"
│  > "3456789:;<=>?@ABC"
│  > "UVWXYZ^abcdefghij"
│  > "klmnopqrstuvwxyz~"
│  > "!#$%&'()*+,-./012"
│  > "3456789:;<=>?@ABC"
│  > "UVWXYZ^abcdefghij"
│  > "klmnopqrstuvwxyz~"
│  > "!#$%&'()*+,-./012"
│  > "3456789:;<=>?@ABC"
│  > "UVWXYZ^abcdefghij"
│  > "klmnopqrstuvwxyz~"
│  > "~";
└─■ 🕑 3. tripex 1.2
    tripex 1.2 release notes
    + -f flag to read a list of expressions from a file
    * -s flag now takes an argument for when to begin/end stacking. negative values mean to stop stacking after the absolute value of the index.
    apply the patch as follows (make sure to apply the previous patch first:)
    patch tripex.c tripex-1.2.patch
    then recompile the software as follows:
    gcc tripex.c -o tripex -O3 -lcrypt
    here's an example of the new features combined for efficient dictionary searches.
    because expressions from argv are parsed after files, we have to put our first expression in it's own file :(.
    '-s -1' means to stop stacking after the first expression, so it will first check if it is even possible to match with any of the dictionary expressions.
    aspell -d en dump master | grep "^[a-z]\{5,5\}$" > len5dict.txt
    echo "[a-z]\{5,5\}" > 5a-z.txt
    ./tripex -n $(nproc) -s -1 -f 5a-z.txt -f len5dict.txt
    -----BEGIN FILE tripex-1.2.patch-----
    > #define MAX_EXPRS 262144
    > /* if i put this garbage on the stack instead of bss, it will segfault. */
    > size_t n_exprs = 0;
    > regex_t exprs[MAX_EXPRS];
    < fprintf(stderr, "usage: tripex [-Ehilnmsv] expressions\n"
    > fprintf(stderr, "usage: tripex [-Ef:hil:n:m:s:v] expressions\n"
    > " -f\tread expressions from file (use '-' for stdin)\n"
    < " -s\tstack expressions (logical AND)\n");
    > " -s\tstack (logical AND) expressions before/after expr #n (negative for before)\n");
    > }
    > void appendExpr(regex_t exprs[], size_t *i, char *str, int re_flags)
    > {
    > /* avoiding malloc like the plague, simple and fast shitware!
    > * if you somehow need more than MAX_EXPRS, change it & recompile.
    > */
    > if (*i >= MAX_EXPRS)
    > errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "no %s-kun! it's too many exprs, it wont fit!", getlogin());
    > if (regcomp(&exprs[*i], str, re_flags))
    > errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "failed to compile regex '%s'", str);
    > (*i)++;
    > long stack_after = 0;
    < while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "E:hil:m:n:sv")) != -1) {
    > while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "E:f:hil:m:M:n:s:v")) != -1) {
    > case 'f':
    > FILE *fp = stdin;
    > if (strcmp(optarg, "-") != 0)
    > fp = fopen(optarg, "r");
    > if (!fp)
    > err(EXIT_FAILURE, "couldn't open regex file '%s'", optarg);
    > char *line = NULL;
    > size_t len = 0;
    > ssize_t nread;
    > while ((nread = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1) {
    > *strchr(line, '\n') = '\0';
    > appendExpr(exprs, &n_exprs, line, re_flags);
    > }
    > free(line);
    > fclose(fp);
    > break;
    > stack_after = atol(optarg);
    < printf("tripex 1.1 by taocana\n");
    > printf("tripex 1.2 by taocana\n");
    < if (argc < 1) {
    > for (size_t i = 0; i < argc; i++)
    > appendExpr(exprs, &n_exprs, argv[i], re_flags);
    > if (n_exprs < 1) {
    < size_t n_exps = argc;
    < regex_t *exps = malloc(sizeof(regex_t) * n_exps);
    < for (size_t i = 0; i < n_exps; i++)
    < if (regcomp(&exps[i], argv[i], re_flags))
    < errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "failed to compile regex");
    < unsigned char key[key_len + 1]; /* dynamic array, bad form but i'm lazy */
    > unsigned char key[key_len + 1];
    < for (size_t n = 0; !max_tries || n < max_tries ; n++) {
    > for (size_t n = 0; !max_tries || n < max_tries; n++) {
    < for (size_t i = 0; i < n_exps; i++)
    < if (regexec(&exps[i], trip, ARRAY_SIZE(pmatch), pmatch, 0))
    < if (sflag)
    > for (size_t i = 0; i < n_exprs; i++) {
    > int stacking = (sflag
    > && ((stack_after >= 0 && i >= stack_after)
    > || (stack_after < 0 && i < -stack_after)));
    > if (regexec(&exprs[i], trip, ARRAY_SIZE(pmatch), pmatch, 0))
    > if (stacking)
    < else if (!sflag || i >= n_exps - 1)
    > else if (!stacking || i >= n_exprs - 1) {
    > break;
    > }
    > }
    < for (size_t i = 0; i < n_exps; i++)
    < regfree(&exps[i]);
    < free(exps);
    > for (size_t i = 0; i < n_exprs; i++)
    > regfree(&exprs[i]);
    > /* unsigned for array lookups by character */
    < if (!code)
    > if (!code) /* doesn't fully handle crypt_r(3) errors yet */

Pohon BBS