To be enjoyed in your favorite feed reader.
Pages such as /recent/ , /thread/ , /tree/ , etc contain
special markup to link with their associated Atom feed, so
you can just copy the link for the page you want to follow
in most feed readers, and they should be able to figure out
what you want to subscribe to.
- /atom/threads All threads
- /atom/recent Recent comments
- /atom/thread/THREAD View a thread as feed, where THREAD
is some number
- /atom/tag/random - #random
- /atom/tag/meta - #meta
- /atom/tag/internet - #internet
- /atom/tag/tech - #tech
- /atom/tag/gikopoi - #gikopoi
- /atom/tag/news - #news
- /atom/tag/games - #games
- /atom/tag/life - #life
- /atom/tag/general - #general
- /atom/tag/society - #society
- /atom/tag/otaku - #otaku
- /atom/tag/shows - #shows
- /atom/tag/food - #food
- /atom/tag/diy - #diy
- /atom/tag/wiki - #wiki
- /atom/tag/nsfw - #nsfw
- /atom/tag/paranormal - #paranormal