@ Pohon BBS

Features to add

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Published: 2024-08-22 [Thu] 04:55, by Anonymous
you can either make the tile warp someone to someplace weird or just
copy the background to an object layer if you want to "hide" a giko

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Published: 2024-08-21 [Wed] 21:34, by Anonymous
the folks writing a map editor seemed to be having some trouble doing
tiles that gikos could hide in, how about a new tile type that hides a
character sprite?

#1. Features to add
Published: 2024-01-03 [Wed] 01:33, by admin
Things I want to add later:
- sage
- message trimming/cleaning
- atom feeds
- better tag engine

What do you want to see added?

Youtube embed? Images?
Are there any tags "missing" (eg: anime, books, conspiracy theories) ?
I'm all ears!
Pohon BBS