@ Pohon BBS
Features to add (46 replies)

#1. Features to add
Published: 2024-01-03 [Wed] 01:33, by admin
Things I want to add later:
- sage
- message trimming/cleaning
- atom feeds
- better tag engine

What do you want to see added?

Youtube embed? Images?
Are there any tags "missing" (eg: anime, books, conspiracy theories) ?
I'm all ears!

Published: 2024-01-03 [Wed] 02:48, by Anonymous
SJIS art

Published: 2024-01-03 [Wed] 05:35, by Anonymous
Maybe Youtube embeds?

Published: 2024-01-03 [Wed] 10:09, by Admin
Message trimming/cleaning has now been somewhat implemented.

Published: 2024-01-03 [Wed] 13:11, by Anonymous
uploading images would be awesome

Published: 2024-01-03 [Wed] 16:59, by Admin
Later this week, if a message is too long, I think I'll have it return
an error and refuse to allow the post through, than to silently pass a
truncated message (current behavior)

I may also disable excessive amounts of newlines in a row. On the fence
for that. It's easy enough to just delete posts from people who are
trying to be obnoxious and "abuse" the platform, as it were.

Published: 2024-01-03 [Wed] 17:43, by Anonymous
Cookies for the name field, and tripcodes (possibly capcodes?)

Published: 2024-01-03 [Wed] 17:44, by Admin
Do you think only images should be allowed, or should other files (such
as ZIP, MP4, torrent, etc) be allowed also?

Published: 2024-01-05 [Fri] 09:10, by Admin
Basic Atom feeds added, later we'll add a feed for all recent comments,
and also give every thread its own Atom feed


Published: 2024-01-05 [Fri] 09:26, by Anonymous
I think I'll start adding on tripcodes next...

Published: 2024-01-06 [Sat] 16:13, by Anonymous
You can now view all recent posts at

Atom feed for that coming.

Published: 2024-01-06 [Sat] 18:25, by Admin
does "sage" work?

Published: 2024-01-06 [Sat] 18:49, by test◆.CzKQna1OU
test tripcode

Published: 2024-01-06 [Sat] 21:56, by ゼリーさん ◆p9m3de0ojQ
I suggested a Pseud0ch theme nammed "Nichannel",
will it look like the 2ch boards or the software Kareha?

Published: 2024-01-07 [Sun] 06:04, by Admin

Published: 2024-01-07 [Sun] 06:50, by Anonymous
Board features:
- Collapsible trees, like on /that site/.
You could probably do this with CSS or something.

- User defined tags and boards.
This was one of the cooler features of Multichan, IMO.
But Multichan is difficult to control, even if you run your own node.
What about the proliferation of random, scarcely related tags, you ask?
Each post needs at least one of the default tags set by the admin.
Instead of boards, let there be two kinds of user defined tags:
- A normal tag
- A grouping/filter of existing tags
With this system, it's much more fine-grained.
If you want to carry on with the board idea, let them be collections
of tags a user can control.

- #philosophy
- #prog
- #nsfw

Published: 2024-01-07 [Sun] 18:08, by Admin
> collapsible trees
Possibly, but may not be easy without invoking JS

If I were to program anything further re: trees, what I would rather add
is the ability to view a subtree easily, eg /tree/12345/5 to view the tree
of post reply #5 and all children within thread 12345.

> user defined tags and boards
Likely. I don't think it involves mandating each new thread uses an
existing tag. But one tricky thing here is that allowing for custom
#tags would involve mixing checkbox and text input designs. So a
possible solution for preventing too many threads from arising would be

(a) making tag policing a higher priority for mod teams;
(b) allowing one custom tag to be created at a time

At present, the solution I'm leaning towards is creating custom tags when
a certain amount of threads exist that would justify adding a new tag.
Example for philosophy, which would currently be listed under (perhaps)
#society and #general -- I see no real reason to create a special
#philosophy tag until enough philosophy threads exist to justify it.

Similarly, pruning existing tags that remain unused at a certain point will
be a priority of mine as a board admin. In the same way that making a
#philosophy tag when no philosophy threads exist seems a little silly to
me, keeping tags such as #paranormal or #food seems silly if they never
get any use.

#18. Priorities 2024-01-08
Published: 2024-01-07 [Sun] 18:15, by Admin
Priorities for board software at present:

#1. Better tag engine
Something like logical "AND" and "NOT" to compliment what exists now,
which is something like logical "OR".

Making this work and work well from /tags/ page without a complicated
mix of checkboxen shouldn't be too difficult..

#2. Thread modes
Besides "open" and "delete" I would like to add legacy thread modes such
as Sticky, Lock, Sticky Lock, and Permasage. These seem present in
virtually all 4chan-like boards and can be more useful than the existing
binary of "open" and "delete" -- lock/permasage can be useful but less
severe forms of moderation, while "sticky" is always fun to have around.

#3 Markup
At least ">" making what's ostensibly quoted text appear slightly
differently has value, even if only in thread mode and not tree mode.

Likely #2 will be focused on before #1. #3 is not of priority.

Published: 2024-01-07 [Sun] 18:29, by Admin
Now when you reply to a thread, you get directed to your post at the
bottom of the thread page. Really minor hack but nice quality of life
detail imo.

Default "view" (for responding to a thread or going to a post from the
atom feeds) is thread mode, in part because it shows metadata
(post date, author) that tree mode doesn't show.

Published: 2024-01-07 [Sun] 18:42, by Admin
We are now also showing basic statistics on the homepage, enjoy.

Published: 2024-01-07 [Sun] 18:54, by Anonymous
Mobile support (making the page responsive to different screen sizes)

Published: 2024-01-07 [Sun] 19:08, by Admin
also btw there is already an NSFW tag,
for now make programming as tech

#23. Thread modes
Published: 2024-01-08 [Mon] 11:54, by Admin
I've now added some thread modes: sticky, lock, stickylock, permasage.

You generally won't be seeing these used, but I'll leave the "hello
world" thread stickied for a while.

Published: 2024-01-09 [Tue] 15:52, by Deleted
Message removed

Published: 2024-01-10 [Wed] 10:41, by Anonymous
> #3 Markup

I'm thinking of adding the following syntax:

> quote / color 1
< quote / color 2

Do these look good?

No plans for >> replies (eg, >>18) yet, but it's a possibility.
I would rather encourage one reply = one post than have many replies
in one post -- this is a bit more annoying for the poster, but has
benefits for readers. A post is only be written once, while it is
read an indefinite many of times.

#26. Subtree added
Published: 2024-01-11 [Thu] 16:24, by Admin
Added a subtree view mode. I didn't know where to add the UI to access
it, so I added a link to it on the /post/ page, eg

links to

#27. More Atom feeds added
Published: 2024-01-11 [Thu] 18:12, by Admin
Now every thread has its own Atom feed, and relevant pages <link> to
their corresponding feed. The Atom code needs to be refactored, but
the feature has been completed.

Published: 2024-01-11 [Thu] 22:02, by Admin
We've began implementing tag negation --

if /tags/random pulls up all threads tagged #random,
...then /tags/random/meta pulls up all #random but not #meta,
...and /tags/ /meta/ pulls up all threads not tagged meta.
...or /tags/ /random+meta/ hides all threads tagged random or meta.

basically /tags/include me/but not me/ .

Published: 2024-01-16 [Tue] 02:49, by Anonymous
This all sounds good to me!
I can't wait to see this site get updates, it's got a lot of potential.

#30. Markup added
Published: 2024-01-19 [Fri] 13:08, by Anonymous
We now have a bit of markup:

> normal quote
< irregular quote
^ crazy quote

%spoiler% text -- just wrap text with %parentheses signs%
(I'll add something in the /about/ page about it later)

Published: 2024-01-19 [Fri] 13:11, by Anonymous
Sorry, I meant percentage signs % , a bit tired

%there must be an even number of percentage signs or it won't hide %
%the text -- also, spoilers only work within one line, so if you want%
%a big spoiler, you need to wrap each line within the comments with a%
%percent sign.%

Published: 2024-01-19 [Fri] 13:14, by Anonymous
maybe i'll make it so you can do a big spoiler later by wrapping a
bigger chunk of text like:

big secrets go here!
multiple line wrapped spoiler!

Published: 2024-01-27 [Sat] 15:18, by Anonymous
If images would be allowed, I don't see why not other files too.

Published: 2024-01-27 [Sat] 15:19, by Anonymous
SSH/Telnet access!

Published: 2024-02-11 [Sun] 05:35, by Anonymous
put the subject in the page title

Published: 2024-02-18 [Sun] 11:28, by Anonymous
You can now override the long lines warning; I'd rather people didn't use this, but it can be used (for example) when posting a long chat line or sharing a long URL, etc.

Previous line in this post intentionally made "too long"

#37. Better filtering tools
Published: 2024-07-16 [Tue] 16:19, by Anonymous
For the BBS:
1) The ability to hide threads and replies
2) An individual word filter

For gikopoi itself:
1) An individual word filter
Yes I know I can ignore people who spam certain words
but I want the tools to filter those words for myself
please and thank you

Published: 2024-07-17 [Wed] 13:13, by Anonymous
Here are a few changes I'm requesting.

1. For me the navigation box hovers the thread so there's some text I can't read.
Maybe move it to a sidebar at the right hand side.

2. Dynamic page titles based on the subject of the thread, the tag name, etc. This cleans up the history.
I think when you're viewing a reply it's good to have the title be based on the content in case there is no subject.

3. Dynamic tag creation. Let people type whatever tags they want
in a space-separated list and have it propose autocompletes based on existing tags.

Published: 2024-07-17 [Wed] 13:15, by Anonymous
Actually, the long line problems are a pesk to resolve manually.
I guess I can take it into account with my writing style.
But everyone and their mom uses an automatic word wrap.
Why doesn't this software?

Published: 2024-07-18 [Thu] 05:00, by Admin
1. I want posts to look good by default in "tree mode"; long lines
don't look good. Auto-line breaking doesn't always look good.
2. By default, I want white-space to be preserved -- this is useful when
sharing ASCII art, code chunks, poetry, etc. It's also the way old
email, USENET threads, and text-sharing used to be online. And it
3. The standard of well-formatted posts really pisses off zoomers and
phone posters...
4. ... but if you want or need "long lines" for some reason, you can
manually override the filter by checking the "LL" (long line) box
next to the "Post comment" button.

(Wow, look at how beautiful that list is!)

Maybe in the future, I'll have a "format post" checkbox set by default
at the bottom that breaks up long lines. For now, I don't think most
people have any real issue with it. When you're writing a longer post,
just hit "enter" when your sentence is nearing the edge of the post box,
exactly like one hits the "carriage return" before going to the edge of
a page when using a type writer.

The software at ayashii.net , which this project takes inspiration from,
originally also had an anti-long-line feature before the heyuriteens
disabled it because teens kept complaining. Maybe 2channel also yelled
at people for writing long lines, but I can't remember....

This innocent little tripwire also gives you a chance to reread your
post before submitting it, which I think's helpful -- not planning to
allow people to edit or delete their own messages, ever.

Published: 2024-07-18 [Thu] 05:08, by Admin-san
1. I can make the box slightly transparent if you'd like; otherwise,
maybe some CSS wizard can help out. My CSS-foo is not great and I'm
working on figuring this out for future themes.

2. This is a good idea and something I will implement soon.

3. This was attempted on https://0chan.vip (which also isn't fussy about
"long lines") and it worked okay but also lead to most of the tags
only being used a single time; other tags were abused, sometimes tags
were duplicated; it ended up just being too much work to babysit.
For now, if you want a specific tag, you can request it, or if I see
a lot of threads being created that deserve their own tag, I'll add
it. I think the current selection of tags is pretty good.

As a note, "general" tag should be used for any topics that invite more
serious discussions, and "random" should be used for more silly or dumb
topics. "Life" is for more personal topics or blog-like threads, while
"society" is for things like politics, history, religion, philosophy.

Thank you for your feedback!

Published: 2024-07-18 [Thu] 05:11, by Admin-san
If you use the Gikopoi userscript with Tampermonkey, you can automatically
filter trouble words or trouble users! Lots of cool other features too.

Grab it here:

As for hiding threads/comments/posts containing badwords here, that requires
Javascript which I'm allergic to. If you or anyone else with Javascript skillz
wants to write a userscript that adds these features, I will happily link to it
on the homepage of bbs.gikopoi.com .

Published: 2024-08-21 [Wed] 21:34, by Anonymous
the folks writing a map editor seemed to be having some trouble doing
tiles that gikos could hide in, how about a new tile type that hides a
character sprite?

Published: 2024-08-22 [Thu] 04:55, by Anonymous
you can either make the tile warp someone to someplace weird or just
copy the background to an object layer if you want to "hide" a giko

Published: 2024-08-22 [Thu] 05:06, by sageru!
Also you probably want the Gikopoi map thread instead of the Pohon BBS
features thread: https://bbs.gikopoi.com/thread/1723532576/

see also #gikopoi tag:

Published: 2025-03-03 [Mon] 01:54, by Anonymous
Add a drone strike button.
Pohon BBS