@ Pohon BBS

Features to add

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Published: 2024-01-03 [Wed] 16:59, by Admin
Later this week, if a message is too long, I think I'll have it return
an error and refuse to allow the post through, than to silently pass a
truncated message (current behavior)

I may also disable excessive amounts of newlines in a row. On the fence
for that. It's easy enough to just delete posts from people who are
trying to be obnoxious and "abuse" the platform, as it were.

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Published: 2024-01-03 [Wed] 10:09, by Admin
Message trimming/cleaning has now been somewhat implemented.

#1. Features to add
Published: 2024-01-03 [Wed] 01:33, by admin
Things I want to add later:
- sage
- message trimming/cleaning
- atom feeds
- better tag engine

What do you want to see added?

Youtube embed? Images?
Are there any tags "missing" (eg: anime, books, conspiracy theories) ?
I'm all ears!
Pohon BBS