@ Pohon BBS
New project: WikiWikiWiki (7 replies)

■ 🕑 1. New project: WikiWikiWiki
│  Greetings,
│  https://wiki.gikopoi.com has been launched.
│  Source code @ https://github.com/153/wikiwikiwiki
├─■ 🕑 2.
│ │  Taocana suggested making ?weekly? backups of the wiki. Any thoughts on
│ │  this? It would be easy enough to do; the wiki is flatfile and no
│ │  quasi-personal data like IPs or usernames are stored in the page-data
│ │  directory.
│ │  
│ │  Feel free to edit and make pages as you see fit.
│ │  https://wiki.gikopoi.com/w/ToDo is our current development roadmap.
│ │   
│ ├─■ 🕑 3.
│ │   yes i am not taocana and this is an excellent idea
│ │   taocana is soooo hot look at that seaweed omggggggggggggghhhhhhhh
│ │    
│ ├─■ 🕑 4.
│ │   backup tarballs weekly or monthly would be cool.
│ │   but it's fine to just have an rsync server.
│ │    
│ └─■ 🕑 6.
│     Weekly backups sound like a great idea.
│     As far as I'm concerned, every single website needs some kind of built-in,
│     automatic backup generation for important material, ideally publicly
│     exportable, so that the users of the site have an easier time mirroring
│     everything important should the original site go down.
├─■ 🕑 5. Poll: SJIS vs monospace by default?
│   Dear wiki editors and other forum members:
│   I am currently using ``` code tags ``` to render <pre><code> regions
│   via Mistune -- markdown renderer -- but there is a problem. There are
│   cases where we sometimes want SJIS/AA art for these <pre><code>
│   regions and other times when we want monospaced fonts (eg: ascii art,
│   code, irc logs).
│   So here's the question: what should be the default behavior?
│   See: https://wiki.gikopoi.com/o/SandBox.5, preview and textarea
│   I'm leaning towards making SJIS art be the default case and monospaced
│   be the exception, which you can specify like
│   ```m
│   monospaced text
│   ```
│   Main arguments for making SJIS/AA be the default:
│   * it's easier to imagine a case where there are multiple SJIS arts
│    on a page than multiple code/log/ascii regions
│   * marking multiple preformat regions as "m" is easier than marking
│    multiple SJIS regions as "aa" or "sjis"
│   * generally speaking, code/irc logs still look okay in SJIS fonts while
│    SJIS art is almost never acceptable in monospaced fonts
│   * we are a wiki that caters to SJIS art enthusiasts
└─■ 🕑 7.
    Hi guys

Pohon BBS