#4. |
Published: 2024-06-10 [Mon] 19:04, by |
backup tarballs weekly or monthly would be cool. but it's fine to just have an rsync server. |
#2. |
Published: 2024-06-09 [Sun] 17:14, by |
Taocana suggested making ?weekly? backups of the wiki. Any thoughts on this? It would be easy enough to do; the wiki is flatfile and no quasi-personal data like IPs or usernames are stored in the page-data directory. Feel free to edit and make pages as you see fit. https://wiki.gikopoi.com/w/ToDo is our current development roadmap. |
#1. New project: WikiWikiWiki |
Published: 2024-06-08 [Sat] 18:14, by |
Greetings, https://wiki.gikopoi.com has been launched. Source code @ https://github.com/153/wikiwikiwiki |