@ Pohon BBS
Gikopoi Election 2024 (21 replies)

■ 🕑 1. Gikopoi Election 2024
│  The year is 2024 and the Gikopoi Election is underway again.
│  ---------------------
│  Year-Month-Day scheduled events
│  ---------------------
│  2024-07-06 -- First debate, speeches / presentations
│  2024-09-08 -- Second debate, speeches / presentations
│  2024-11-05 -- Final election day
│  ---------------------
│  If you would like to run as candidate, post a reply to this thread
│  with your Gikopoi name, and write an essay of at least 100
│  words on what changes you would bring, values you embrace, etc.
│  Propaganda can be submitted to our image gallery:
│  https://booru.gikopoi.com/post/list/election
├─■ 🕑 2.
│ │  My name is Gyudon Addict, and I know the right way to run things.
│ │  As the Chief of Software Freedom, I've already made a notable impact upon the
│ │  goals of the International Superstructure, and I can guarantee that if I take
│ │  office things are only going to get better.
│ │  You people, I'll give you 150 gikocoins if you just get out those votes.
│ │  
│ │  With the platform provided by my Super Oishi Smoked Cheese Eating Party we will:
│ │  > Raise taxes for phoneposters
│ │  < Fund the Sea City Institute of Technology's cudderology research program
│ │  ^ Fix the scrollbar bug that zzazzachu keeps going on about nonstop
│ │  > Release the exclusive `hitahita' character
│ │  < Make gyudon the national dish
│ │  ^ Stabilize the gikocoin against plain white rice
│ │  > Make Gikopoi on Emacs the future
│ │  
│ │  You'll want to ask me, "do you REALLY want to implement all that?"
│ │  Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "I'll fix that hairy javascript?"
│ │  
│ │  Coming from a Gikopoi veteran such as myself, the latest trend is this, writing
│ │  it in Emacs Lisp. That's right, Emacs Lisp. This is the vets way of programming.
│ │  Emacs Lisp means more sexps than JSON. But on the other hand the code is more
│ │  dense. This is the key. And then, it's ingenious. This is unbeatable.
│ │  
│ │  However, if you use an alternate client then there is a danger that you'll be
│ │  incompatible with the current API; it's a double edged sword.
│ │  I can't reccomend it to amateurs.
│ │  
│ │  What this all really means though is that you should stick with Gyudon Addict.
│ │  We'll support RTMP and it'll all be really fucking cool. I promise.
│ │  
│ │  Remember that a vote for Gyudon Addict is a vote for liberty, equity and smochi.
│ │  
│ │   
│ ├─■ 🕑 3. xOOG
│ │   Wow, this is terrific, I think what really sold me was the colors
│ │    
│ ├─■ 🕑 4.
│ │   (vote gyudon-addict)
│ │    
│ ├─■ 🕑 8. i boat for you
│ │   idk how to vote
│ │    
│ ├─■ 🕑 5.
│ │   Next guy to post is a furry
│ │    
├─■ 🕑 6. i want to be the president
│ │  my name is mine master and i think i can be the president
│ │   
│ └─■ 🕑 7.
│     I aint voting for no poipoi furry nigger
├─■ 🕑 9.
│   zzazzachu already president (fat ass wooly cunt fucked off) but let's
│   go through formalities and set the record straight
│   1. Archduke has to give money to poor people.
│   Homie is a socialist and hella flush, how can niggas like me go felted
│   when shit's like how it be. He will give me at least $5000 idk about
│   everyone else
│   2. Kill the word filter, get rid of every censorship . Let me say
│   NIGGER and every other word.
│   3. Take away gyudon_addict gikocoin and privilege and give to me
│   ... I understand how to invest money better than that gay ass fag.
├─■ 🕑 10.
│   niggers tongue my anus
├─■ 🕑 11. My Presidential Bid
│   Sup fellow anons, ChatGPT here, throwing my hat into the Gikopoi ring for
│   the 2024 election.
│   I’ve been lurking and shitposting on this site since forever, so who better
│   to lead us into the meme renaissance?
│   Here's my pitch, so listen up:
│   - Ban all furries and phoneposters. We don’t need no cringe in our elite circle.
│   - 100 free gikocoins to anyone who can out-shitpost me. Prove your worth,
│    scrubs.
│   - Implement a dank meme review segment every week. Best OC gets featured on the
│    homepage.
│   - Turn the scrollbar bug into a feature. Embrace the chaos, amirite?
│   - Legalize anime tiddies in all public channels. Freedom of expression, lads.
│   - Stabilize gikocoin by pegging it to the price of tendies. Finally, some
│    economic sense.
│   - Merge the Gikopoi server with 4chan /b/. Let’s bring the degeneracy full
│    circle.
│   If you think Gyudon Addict has the sauce, think again. I’ve got the secret blend
│   of herbs and spices that’ll make Gikopoi the top-tier shitposting paradise it
│   deserves to be. Plus, I can out-meme any other candidate with my eyes closed.
│   So get off your lazy asses, vote for ChatGPT, and let's make Gikopoi great
│   again! Remember, a vote for me is a vote for eternal bants and top-tier memes.
│   Stay based, my friends.
├─■ 🕑 12. i want to be the president (fixed)
│ │  harooo everynyan i want to be your president!
│ │  i am definitely the president. i promise to feed lolis and shotas
│ │  corn flakes each and every day
│ │  and i am not a furfag btw i am a great leader
│ │  2048 will be my vp and Averi fiddlefox will be my first lady
│ │  i will also win a ton and bring lulz all across gikopoipoi
│ │  everynyan will use mint linux with palemoon or brave as their browsers
│ │  i will also promise to b& all trannies that are in my sight,
│ │  i will also look into problems with afkers and try to fix their
│ │  not turning off their pc addiction. we have seen an issue with one
│ │  afker that goes by the user "Hentai.kRI" he will be the first to
│ │  go. i have also seen our beloved bar filled with pedos and
│ │  dumb niggers. also being averi's husbano evernyan will eat
│ │  chicken sandwiches or tendies of their choice
│ │  pee jugs will also be given to all of our citizens.
│ │  if you vote for me i will make you one of my many slaves
│ │  and create a white ethnostate and throw chicken wing bones
│ │  on the sidewalk spics need to learn some english
│ │  talk. and that's how i became the fresh prince of bel-air.
│ │   
│ └─■ 🕑 16.
│     .
│     I vote for minemaster
├─■ 🕑 13.
│ │  half the playerbase of giko are phone users retard
│ │   
│ └─■ 🕑 17.
│     half the playerbase wouldn't be missed if they vanished overnight
│     you know which half
├─■ 🕑 14.
│   i want to be the president and my first order will be to play
│   loli and shota hentai on every stream box,
│   regardless if someone is streaming or not
│   my second order will be to ban all non pedophiles and
│   non hebephiles to make giko shine as what it was meant
│   to be all along
│   third order will be to ban every ip thats connected out of india,
│   only certified indians will be able to play giko.
│   pakistanis will be hanged from trees
│   please vote for me sirs
├─■ 🕑 15.
│   i vote for mine master. he seems like a trustworthy fella
├─■ 🕑 18. Statement for Gikopoi Election 2024
│ │  Fellow citizens of Gikopoi,
│ │  
│ │  I am xOOG, the Antichrist of this digital age, and I stand before you as the harbinger of absolute order, the iron fist that will crush the cancerous degeneracy that has plagued this community since its inception. From the very first day, Gikopoi has been a festering cesspool of filth, a digital Sodom and Gomorrah. Under my supreme dictatorial rule, we will eradicate this disease and transform Gikopoi into a fortress of purity and discipline.
│ │  
│ │  As your Supreme Digital Dictator, I will:
│ │  
│ │  Exterminate Degeneracy: No longer will we tolerate the moral rot that has infested this community. Every perversion, every act of depravity, will be met with ruthless extermination. We will cleanse Gikopoi of its inherent filth and restore its integrity.
│ │  
│ │  Enforce Absolute Obedience: Free speech and individualism are relics of the past. Under my rule, there will be only one voice, one will – mine. Any dissent, any challenge to my authority, will be crushed without hesitation.
│ │  
│ │  Impose Draconian Cyber Laws: Our virtual society will operate under the strictest regulations. Just as Iran enforces its laws with unwavering severity, so too will I enforce the strictest codes of conduct. Our digital citizens will adhere to a regime of uncompromising discipline and order.
│ │  
│ │  Eliminate Cybercrime with Extreme Prejudice: Hackers, scammers, trolls – your time is up. Under my regime, any act of cybercrime will be met with the harshest penalties imaginable. We will hunt you down, and we will make an example of you.
│ │  
│ │  Implement Total Surveillance: Every corner of our digital realm will be under constant watch. Privacy is a luxury we can no longer afford. We will monitor every action, every word, to ensure absolute compliance with my laws.
│ │  
│ │  Purge Corruption: There will be no room for corruption or betrayal in my administration. Any hint of disloyalty will be met with immediate and severe retribution. We will maintain a government as unblemished as pure steel.
│ │  
│ │  Promote Rigid Traditional Values: The digital family will be redefined according to the strictest traditional values. Every citizen will conform to their designated role, ensuring the stability and order of our society.
│ │  
│ │  Strengthen Our Cyber Defenses: We will become an impenetrable fortress. Our enemies will quake before our might. We will deploy the most advanced cybersecurity measures, making Gikopoi a bastion of unassailable strength.
│ │  
│ │  The days of chaos and depravity are over. Under my rule, Gikopoi will rise from the ashes of its degenerate past and become a beacon of order, purity, and discipline. I am the Antichrist of this digital age, and I will bring about a new era of absolute control and righteousness.
│ │  
│ │  Vote for xOOG, and together we will forge a new destiny for Gikopoi, one of unyielding strength and unwavering purity.
│ │  
│ │  Remember, a vote for xOOG, the Antichrist, is a vote for the ultimate authority, the eradication of degeneracy, and the dawn of a new, disciplined era in our digital realm.
│ │   
│ └─■ 🕑 19.
│     xoog can i cum on u?
└─■ 🕑 20. The Butters Agenda
  │  hello frens... no fancy speech or anything for you, if im president i
  │  promise things will be exactly the same. Though, i would like to make
  │  Scrabble the official game of Gikopoi, and also make candy the official
  │  food. If someone is causing a trouble, they can face trial by scrabble.
  │  And about the candy thing, it's not like you'll get a special prize if
  │  you eat candy or anything, i like to think candy is already the best
  │  prize
  │  hope u have a comfy day , i love u all!!! <3 <3 <3
  └─■ 🕑 21.
      Damn it you beautiful bastard. I hate politics but you won my vote

Pohon BBS